


#map Source

map :: forall e. String -> LatLng -> Zoom -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Map

map domID latLng zoom creates a new map object centered at latLng, at zoom level zoom, and attaches it to the DOM element with ID domID.

#addLayer Source

addLayer :: forall e. Layer -> Map -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Unit

Add a layer to a map

#removeLayer Source

removeLayer :: forall e. Layer -> Map -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Unit

Remove a layer from a map

#setView Source

setView :: forall e. Map -> LatLng -> Zoom -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Unit

Set the current view for a map.

#invalidateSize Source

invalidateSize :: forall e. Map -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Unit

Tell a map that the size of its container may have changed, causing it to

#getCenter Source

getCenter :: forall e. Map -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) LatLng

Get the geographic position at which the map is currently centered.

#getZoom Source

getZoom :: forall e. Map -> Eff (leaflet :: LEAFLET | e) Zoom

Get the current zoom level.

#onZoom Source

onZoom :: forall e. Map -> e Unit -> e Unit

Subscribe to the zoom event, which fires when the map's zoom level changes.

#onMove Source

onMove :: forall e. Map -> (LatLng -> e Unit) -> e Unit

Subscribe to the move event.