- Package
- purescript-node-readline
- Repository
- purescript-node/purescript-node-readline
This module provides a binding to the Node readline
#InterfaceOptions Source
data InterfaceOptions
Options passed to readline
's createInterface
#createInterface Source
createInterface :: forall eff r. Readable r (readline :: READLINE | eff) -> Options InterfaceOptions -> Eff (readline :: READLINE | eff) Interface
Builds an interface with the specified options.
#noCompletion Source
noCompletion :: forall eff. Completer eff
A completion function which offers no completions.
#LineHandler Source
type LineHandler eff a = String -> Eff eff a
A function which handles each line of input.
#setLineHandler Source
setLineHandler :: forall a eff. Interface -> LineHandler (readline :: READLINE | eff) a -> Eff (readline :: READLINE | eff) Unit
Set the current line handler function.
- Modules
- Node.