


#WorkerPool Source

newtype WorkerPool i o

#make Source

make :: forall a i o. Sendable a => Sendable i => Worker a i o -> a -> Int -> Aff (WorkerPool i o)

Creates a new WorkerPool of some size. Worker threads will steal inputs as they become available to do more work. It's assumed that a worker is only processing one input, and yielding a corresponding output at a time. If a worker may yield multiple results for a single input, you should not use a worker pool.

#terminate Source

terminate :: forall i o. WorkerPool i o -> Aff Unit

Terminates the pool and any propagates an exception to any pending invokers.

#invoke Source

invoke :: forall i o. Sendable i => WorkerPool i o -> i -> Aff o

Submits a new input to the worker pool, and waits for the reply.

#withPool Source

withPool :: forall a i o b. Sendable a => Sendable i => Worker a i o -> a -> Int -> (WorkerPool i o -> Aff b) -> Aff b

Creates a new pool of some size, terminating the pool when the scope exits.

#poolTraverse Source

poolTraverse :: forall f a i o. Sendable a => Sendable i => Traversable f => Worker a i o -> a -> Int -> f i -> Aff (f o)

Traverses some input using a pool of some size.