


#NOW Source

data NOW :: Effect

Effect type for when accessing the current date/time.

#now Source

now :: forall e. Eff (now :: NOW | e) Instant

Gets an Instant value for the date and time according to the current machine’s clock.

#nowDateTime Source

nowDateTime :: forall e. Eff (now :: NOW | e) LocalDateTime

Gets a DateTime value for the date and time according to the current machine’s clock.

#nowDate Source

nowDate :: forall e. Eff (now :: NOW | e) LocalDate

Gets the date according to the current machine’s clock.

#nowTime Source

nowTime :: forall e. Eff (now :: NOW | e) LocalTime

Gets the time according to the current machine’s clock.

#locale Source

locale :: forall e. Eff (now :: NOW | e) Locale

Gets the locale according to the current machine’s clock.

Note: The LocaleName will always be empty for the Locale value returned here until there is a reliable way to detect a name for the locale.