- Package
- purescript-parsing
- Repository
- purescript-contrib/purescript-parsing
#ParseError Source
data ParseError
A parsing error, consisting of a message and position information.
Show ParseError
Eq ParseError
Ord ParseError
(Monad m) => MonadThrow ParseError (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => MonadError ParseError (ParserT s m)
#ParseState Source
data ParseState s
Contains the remaining input and current position.
(Monad m) => MonadState (ParseState s) (ParserT s m)
#ParserT Source
newtype ParserT s m a
The Parser monad transformer.
The first type argument is the stream type. Typically, this is either String
or some sort of token stream.
ParserT (ExceptT ParseError (StateT (ParseState s) m) a)
Newtype (ParserT s m a) _
Lazy (ParserT s m a)
(Monad m, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (ParserT s m a)
(Monad m, Monoid a) => Monoid (ParserT s m a)
(Functor m) => Functor (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Apply (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Applicative (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Bind (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Monad (ParserT s m)
(MonadRec m) => MonadRec (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => MonadState (ParseState s) (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => MonadThrow ParseError (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => MonadError ParseError (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Alt (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Plus (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => Alternative (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => MonadZero (ParserT s m)
(Monad m) => MonadPlus (ParserT s m)
MonadTrans (ParserT s)
#runParserT Source
runParserT :: forall a s m. Monad m => s -> ParserT s m a -> m (Either ParseError a)
Apply a parser, keeping only the parsed result.
#runParser Source
runParser :: forall a s. s -> Parser s a -> Either ParseError a
Apply a parser, keeping only the parsed result.
#mapParserT Source
mapParserT :: forall m a s n b. (m (Tuple (Either ParseError a) (ParseState s)) -> n (Tuple (Either ParseError b) (ParseState s))) -> ParserT s m a -> ParserT s n b
Change the underlying monad action and data type in a ParserT monad action.