


#Abs Source

data Abs :: Type

The (phantom) type of absolute paths.

#AbsDir Source

type AbsDir s = Path Abs Dir s

A type describing a directory whose location is absolutely specified.

#AbsFile Source

type AbsFile s = Path Abs File s

A type describing a file whose location is absolutely specified.

#AbsPath Source

type AbsPath s = AnyPath Abs s

A type describing an absolute file or directory path.

#Dir Source

data Dir :: Type

The (phantom) type of directories.

#DirName Source

newtype DirName

A newtype around a directory name.



#Escaper Source

newtype Escaper

Escapers encode segments or characters which have reserved meaning.


#File Source

data File :: Type

The (phantom) type of files.

#FileName Source

newtype FileName

A newtype around a file name.



#Path Source

data Path a b s

A type that describes a Path. All flavors of paths are described by this type, whether they are absolute or relative paths, whether they refer to files or directories, whether they are sandboxed or not.

  • The type parameter a describes whether the path is Rel or Abs.
  • The type parameter b describes whether the path is File or Dir.
  • The type parameter s describes whether the path is Sandboxed or Unsandboxed.

To ensure type safety, there is no way for users to create a value of this type directly. Instead, helpers should be used, such as rootDir, currentDir, file, dir, (</>), and parsePath.

This ADT allows invalid paths (e.g. paths inside files), but there is no possible way for such paths to be constructed by user-land code. The only "invalid path" that may be constructed is using the parentDir' function, e.g. parentDir' rootDir, or by parsing an equivalent string such as /../, but such paths are marked as unsandboxed, and may not be rendered to strings until they are first sandboxed to some directory.


#AnyPath Source

type AnyPath b s = Either (Path b Dir s) (Path b File s)

A type describing a file or directory path.

#Rel Source

data Rel :: Type

The (phantom) type of relative paths.

#RelDir Source

type RelDir s = Path Rel Dir s

A type describing a directory whose location is given relative to some other, unspecified directory (referred to as the "current directory").

#RelFile Source

type RelFile s = Path Rel File s

A type describing a file whose location is given relative to some other, unspecified directory (referred to as the "current directory").

#RelPath Source

type RelPath s = AnyPath Rel s

A type describing a relative file or directory path.

#Sandboxed Source

data Sandboxed :: Type

The (phantom) type of sandboxed paths.

#Unsandboxed Source

data Unsandboxed :: Type

The (phantom) type of unsandboxed paths.

#appendPath Source

appendPath :: forall s b a. Path a Dir s -> Path Rel b s -> Path a b s

Given a directory path, appends either a file or directory to the path.

#(</>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Path.Pathy.appendPath (left-associative / precedence 6)

#setExtension Source

setExtension :: forall s a. Path a File s -> String -> Path a File s

Sets the extension of the file to the specified extension.

file "image" <.> "png"

#(<.>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Path.Pathy.setExtension (left-associative / precedence 6)

#parentAppend Source

parentAppend :: forall s' s b a. Path a Dir s -> Path Rel b s' -> Path a b Unsandboxed

Ascends into the parent of the specified directory, then descends into the specified path. The result is always unsandboxed because it may escape its previous sandbox.

#(<..>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Path.Pathy.parentAppend (left-associative / precedence 6)

#runDirName Source

runDirName :: DirName -> String

Unwraps the DirName newtype.

#runFileName Source

runFileName :: FileName -> String

Unwraps the FileName newtype.

#canonicalize Source

canonicalize :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Path a b s

Canonicalizes a path, by reducing things in the form /x/../ to just /x/.

#changeExtension Source

changeExtension :: (String -> String) -> FileName -> FileName

Changes the extension on a file name.

#currentDir Source

currentDir :: forall s. Path Rel Dir s

The "current directory", which can be used to define relatively-located resources.

#depth Source

depth :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Int

Returns the depth of the path. This may be negative in some cases, e.g. ./../../../ has depth -3.

#dir Source

dir :: forall s. String -> Path Rel Dir s

Creates a path which points to a relative directory of the specified name.

#dir' Source

dir' :: forall s. DirName -> Path Rel Dir s

Creates a path which points to a relative directory of the specified name.

#dirName Source

dirName :: forall s a. Path a Dir s -> Maybe DirName

Retrieves the name of a directory path. Not all paths have such a name, for example, the root or current directory.

#dropExtension Source

dropExtension :: FileName -> FileName

Drops the extension on a file name.

#extension Source

extension :: FileName -> String

Retrieves the extension of a file name.

#file Source

file :: forall s. String -> Path Rel File s

Creates a path which points to a relative file of the specified name.

#file' Source

file' :: forall s. FileName -> Path Rel File s

Creates a path which points to a relative file of the specified name.

#fileName Source

fileName :: forall s a. Path a File s -> FileName

Retrieves the name of a file path.

#pathName Source

pathName :: forall s b. AnyPath b s -> Either (Maybe DirName) FileName

#identicalPath Source

identicalPath :: forall s' s b' b a' a. Path a b s -> Path a' b' s' -> Boolean

Determines if two paths have the exact same representation. Note that two paths may represent the same path even if they have different representations!

#isAbsolute Source

isAbsolute :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Boolean

Determines if this path is absolutely located.

#isRelative Source

isRelative :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Boolean

Determines if this path is relatively located.

#maybeAbs Source

maybeAbs :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Maybe (Path Rel b s)

Determines if the path is absolutely specified.

#maybeDir Source

maybeDir :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Maybe (Path a Dir s)

Determines if the path refers to a directory.

#maybeFile Source

maybeFile :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Maybe (Path a File s)

Determines if the path refers to a file.

#maybeRel Source

maybeRel :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Maybe (Path Rel b s)

Determines if the path is relatively specified.

#parentDir Source

parentDir :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Maybe (Path a Dir s)

Attempts to extract out the parent directory of the specified path. If the function would have to use a relative path in the return value, the function will instead return Nothing.

#parentDir' Source

parentDir' :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Path a Dir Unsandboxed

Creates a path that points to the parent directory of the specified path. This function always unsandboxes the path.

#peel Source

peel :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Maybe (Tuple (Path a Dir s) (Either DirName FileName))

Peels off the last directory and the terminal file or directory name from the path. Returns Nothing if there is no such pair (for example, if the last path segment is root directory, current directory, or parent directory).

#posixEscaper Source

posixEscaper :: Escaper

An escaper that removes all slashes, converts ".." into "$dot$dot", and converts "." into "$dot".

#parsePath Source

parsePath :: forall z. (RelDir Unsandboxed -> z) -> (AbsDir Unsandboxed -> z) -> (RelFile Unsandboxed -> z) -> (AbsFile Unsandboxed -> z) -> String -> z

Parses a canonical String representation of a path into a Path value. Note that in order to be unambiguous, trailing directories should be marked with a trailing slash character ('/').

#parseAbsDir Source

parseAbsDir :: String -> Maybe (AbsDir Unsandboxed)

Attempts to parse an absolute directory from a string.

#parseAbsFile Source

parseAbsFile :: String -> Maybe (AbsFile Unsandboxed)

Attempts to parse an absolute file from a string.

#parseRelDir Source

parseRelDir :: String -> Maybe (RelDir Unsandboxed)

Attempts to parse a relative directory from a string.

#parseRelFile Source

parseRelFile :: String -> Maybe (RelFile Unsandboxed)

Attempts to parse a relative file from a string.

#printPath Source

printPath :: forall b a. Path a b Sandboxed -> String

Prints a Path into its canonical String representation. For security reasons, the path must be sandboxed before it can be rendered to a string.

#printPath' Source

printPath' :: forall b a. Escaper -> Path a b Sandboxed -> String

Prints a Path into its canonical String representation, using the specified escaper to escape special characters in path segments. For security reasons, the path must be sandboxed before rendering to string.

#refine Source

refine :: forall s b a. (FileName -> FileName) -> (DirName -> DirName) -> Path a b s -> Path a b s

Refines path segments but does not change anything else.

#relativeTo Source

relativeTo :: forall s' s b a. Path a b s -> Path a Dir s' -> Maybe (Path Rel b s')

Makes one path relative to another reference path, if possible, otherwise returns Nothing. The returned path inherits the sandbox settings of the reference path.

Note there are some cases this function cannot handle.

#renameDir Source

renameDir :: forall s a. (DirName -> DirName) -> Path a Dir s -> Path a Dir s

Renames a directory path. Note: This is a simple rename of the terminal directory name, not a "move".

#renameFile Source

renameFile :: forall s a. (FileName -> FileName) -> Path a File s -> Path a File s

Renames a file path.

#rootDir Source

rootDir :: forall s. Path Abs Dir s

The root directory, which can be used to define absolutely-located resources.

#runEscaper Source

runEscaper :: Escaper -> String -> String

Given an escaper and a segment to encode, returns the encoded segment.

#sandbox Source

sandbox :: forall s b a. Path a Dir Sandboxed -> Path a b s -> Maybe (Path Rel b Sandboxed)

Attempts to sandbox a path relative to some directory. If successful, the sandboxed directory will be returned relative to the sandbox directory (although this can easily be converted into an absolute path using </>).

This combinator can be used to ensure that paths which originate from user-code cannot access data outside a given directory.

#unsandbox Source

unsandbox :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> Path a b Unsandboxed

Unsandboxes any path (whether sandboxed or not).

#unsafePrintPath Source

unsafePrintPath :: forall s b a. Path a b s -> String

#unsafePrintPath' Source

unsafePrintPath' :: forall s b a. Escaper -> Path a b s -> String