


Item Product Access

#getTransactions Source

getTransactions :: PlaidClient -> AccessToken -> StartDate -> EndDate -> Aff (Response (Either ResponseFormatError Json))

Retrieve Transactions Request Allows you to receive user-authorized transaction data for credit and depository-type accounts.

#getBalance Source

getBalance :: PlaidClient -> AccessToken -> Aff (Response (Either ResponseFormatError Json))

Retrieve Balance Requests Returns the real-time balnace for each of an Item's accounts. It can be used for existing Items added via any of Plaid's products.

#getIdentity Source

getIdentity :: PlaidClient -> AccessToken -> Aff (Response (Either ResponseFormatError Json))

Retrieve Identity Request Allows you to retrieve various account holder information on file with the financial institution, including names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses.

#getIncome Source

getIncome :: PlaidClient -> AccessToken -> Aff (Response (Either ResponseFormatError Json))

Retrieve Income Request Allows you to retrieve information pertaining to an Item's income. In addition to the annual income, detailed information will be provided for each contributing income stream (or job.)

#getAssetReport Source