


This module defines the Wedge type, along with instances and functions that help use this type. Generally, Wedge is used when the data is more vague than simply using Either a b, i.e. when either or both a and b might be missing.

#Wedge Source

data Wedge a b

Wedge a b can hold either no values, an a, or a b. The type is isomorphic with Maybe (Either a b).



#fromMaybeEither Source

fromMaybeEither :: forall b a. Maybe (Either a b) -> Wedge a b

Constructs a Wedge given an isomorphic representation. Note that this is the precise inverse of toMaybeEither.

> fromMaybeEither Nothing :: Wedge String Int

> fromMaybeEither (Just (Left "hello")) :: Wedge String Int
One "hello"

> fromMaybeEither (Just (Right 42)) :: Wedge String Int
Eno 42

#toMaybeEither Source

toMaybeEither :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Maybe (Either a b)

Destructs a Wedge from an isomorphic representation. Note that this is the precise inverse of fromMaybeEither.

> toMaybeEither (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> toMaybeEither (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)
Just (Left "hello")

> toMaybeEither (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)
Just (Right 42)

#fromEitherMaybe Source

fromEitherMaybe :: forall b a. Either (Maybe a) (Maybe b) -> Wedge a b

Constructs a Wedge given an either of maybes. Note that this is the precise inverse of toMaybeEither.

> fromEitherMaybe (Left Nothing) :: Wedge String Int

> fromEitherMaybe (Left (Just "hello")) :: Wedge String Int
One "hello"

> fromEitherMaybe (Right Nothing) :: Wedge String Int

> fromEitherMaybe (Right (Just 42)) :: Wedge String Int
Eno 42

#fromMaybeOne Source

fromMaybeOne :: forall b a. Maybe a -> Wedge a b

Constructs a left-biased Wedge.

> fromMaybeOne Nothing :: Wedge String Int

> fromMaybeOne (Just "hello") :: Wedge String Int
One "hello"

#fromMaybeEno Source

fromMaybeEno :: forall b a. Maybe b -> Wedge a b

Constructs a right-biased Wedge.

> fromMaybeTwo Nothing :: Wedge String Int

> fromMaybeTwo (Just 42) :: Wedge String Int
Eno 42

#wedge Source

wedge :: forall c b a. c -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Wedge a b -> c

Wedge catamorphism (fold). Takes an input for each possible constructor and translates it to c.

For example, we can go from some w :: Wedge a b to a Maybe (Either a b) using:

> wedge Nothing Left Right (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> wedge Nothing Left Right (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)
Just (Left "hello")

> wedge Nothing Left Right (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)
Just (Right 42)

#first Source

first :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Maybe a

Grabs an a if it exists, otherwise returns nothing.

> first (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> first (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)
Just "hello"

> first (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)

#second Source

second :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Maybe b

Grabs a b if it exists, otherwise returns nothing.

> second (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> second (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)

> second (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)
Just 42

#isNone Source

isNone :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Boolean

Checks if the constructor is Non.

> isNone (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> isNone (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)

> isNone (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)

#isOne Source

isOne :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Boolean

Checks if the constructor is One.

> isOne (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> isOne (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)

> isOne (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)

#isEno Source

isEno :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Boolean

Checks if the constructor is Eno.

> isEno (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> isEno (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)

> isEno (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)

#ones Source

ones :: forall f b a. Functor f => Foldable f => f (Wedge a b) -> List a

Takes all a values from a Foldable Wedge.

> ones [Non :: Wedge String Int]

> ones ([One "hello", One "world"] :: Array (Wedge String Int))
Cons "hello" (Cons "world" Nil)

> ones ([Eno 42, Eno 13] :: Array (Wedge String Int))

> ones ([One "hello", Eno 42] :: Array (Wedge String Int))
Cons "hello" Nil

#enos Source

enos :: forall f b a. Functor f => Foldable f => f (Wedge a b) -> List b

Takes all b values from a Foldable Wedge.

> enos [Non :: Wedge String Int]

> enos ([One "hello", One "world"] :: Array (Wedge String Int))

> enos ([Eno 42, Eno 13] :: Array (Wedge String Int))
Cons 42 (Cons 13 Nil)

> enos ([One "hello", Eno 42] :: Wedge String Int)
Cons 42 Nil

#partition Source

partition :: forall b a t f. Foldable t => Alternative f => t (Wedge a b) -> Tuple (f a) (f b)

Grab all a and b values from a Foldable Wedge a b and combine them each into an Alternative f tuple.

> partition [Non, One "hello", Eno 42] :: Tuple (List String) (List Int)
Tuple (Cons "hello" Nil) (Cons 42)

#partitionMap Source

partitionMap :: forall c b a t f. Alternative f => Traversable t => (a -> Wedge b c) -> t a -> Tuple (f b) (f c)

Maps Wedges over a Traversable and partitions the values by their position in the Wedge.

> partitionMap (\i -> if i < 3 then One i else Eno i) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] :: Tuple (Array Int) (Array Int)
Tuple [1, 2] [3, 4, 5]

#distribute Source

distribute :: forall c b a. Wedge (Tuple a b) c -> Tuple (Wedge a c) (Wedge b c)

Distribute Wedge over a Tuple.

> distribute (Non :: Wedge (Tuple String String) Int)
Tuple Non Non

> distribute (One (Tuple "hello" "world") :: Wedge (Tuple String String) Int)
Tuple (One "hello") (One "world")

> distribute (Eno 42 :: Wedge (Tuple String String) Int)
Tuple (Eno 42) (Eno 42)

#codistribute Source

codistribute :: forall c b a. Either (Wedge a c) (Wedge b c) -> Wedge (Either a b) c

Codistribute Either over a Wedge.

> codistribute (Left Non :: Either (Wedge String Int) (Wedge Boolean Int))

> codistribute (Left (One "hello") :: Either (Wedge String Int) (Wedge Boolean Int))
One (Left "hello")

> codistribute (Left (Eno 42) :: Either (Wedge String Int) (Wedge Boolean Int))
Eno 42

> codistribute (Right Non :: Either (Wedge String Int) (Wedge Boolean Int))

> codistribute (Right (One true) :: Either (Wedge String Int) (Wedge Boolean Int))
One (Right true)

> codistribute (Right (Eno 42) :: Either (Wedge String Int) (Wedge Boolean Int))
Eno 42

#reassocLR Source

reassocLR :: forall c b a. Wedge (Wedge a b) c -> Wedge a (Wedge b c)

Reassociates a Wedge from left to right. Note that this is the inverse of reassocRL, i.e.: reassocRL <<< reassocLR = identity.

#reassocRL Source

reassocRL :: forall c b a. Wedge a (Wedge b c) -> Wedge (Wedge a b) c

Reassociates a Wedge from right to left. Note that this is the inverse of reassocLR, i.e.: reassocRL <<< reassocLR = identity.

#swap Source

swap :: forall b a. Wedge a b -> Wedge b a

Swap the inputs for a Wedge.

> swap (Non :: Wedge String Int)

> swap (One "hello" :: Wedge String Int)
Eno "hello"

> swap (Eno 42 :: Wedge String Int)
One 42