


#Input Source

type Input attrs name e value = { name :: name, value :: V e value | attrs }

This module provides some very simple representations of HTML fields. Don't look for single sum type or Variant which ties all of them.

Fields represantation is as minimal as possible, so only validation relevant pieces are exposed as attrs.

#SingleChoice Source

type SingleChoice e opt attrs name = { choices :: List (Tuple String opt), name :: name, value :: V e opt | attrs }

#MultiChoice Source

type MultiChoice e opt attrs name = { choices :: List (Tuple String opt), name :: name, value :: V e (opt -> Boolean) | attrs }

This field can be used to represent for example multiple checkboxes with the same name or select multiple - it's final value is record with all elements being Booleans.

Result type for MultiChoice field can be statically and generically generated by helpers from Field.Generic, so you can use sum type or "Symbol list" which (Variant stripped down to just a label) is implemented in Field.Generic.Option module.

If you provide type like:

data Choices = C1 | C2 | C3


type Choices = "C1" :- "C2" :- Nil

You can expect something like this as a result of validation (derived from Field.Generic.multiChoiceParser):

{ C1 ∷ Boolean , C2 ∷ Boolean , C3 ∷ Boolean }

Of course you can provide your own representation for choices like list of Strings etc.