- Package
- purescript-pouchdb
- Repository
- fehrenbach/purescript-pouchdb
#pouchDBLocal Source
pouchDBLocal :: forall options. WriteForeign { name :: String | options } => Subrow options (adapter :: String, auto_compaction :: Boolean, revs_limit :: Int) => { name :: String | options } -> Aff PouchDB
Create or open a local database
For example, the follwing opens (and creates if it does not exist) the local database "movies" with automatic compaction enabled:
do moviedb <- pouchDBLocal { name: "movies", auto_compaction: true }
-- do something with your database
is required, for the other options, see
#pouchDBRemote Source
pouchDBRemote :: forall options. WriteForeign { name :: String | options } => Subrow options (ajax :: { cache :: Boolean, timeout :: Int, withCredentials :: Boolean }, auth :: { password :: String, username :: String }, skip_setup :: Boolean) => { name :: String | options } -> Aff PouchDB
Create or open a remote database
For example, the follwing opens a connection to the "query-movies" database on without trying to create it should it not exist already (skip_setup
do moviedb <- pouchDBRemote { name: "", skip_setup: true }
-- do something with your database
is required, for the other options, see
#createDoc Source
createDoc :: forall dat doc. WriteForeign { _id :: Id doc | dat } => Lacks "_id" dat => Lacks "_rev" dat => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> Id doc -> Record dat -> Aff doc
Save the given proto-document as a new document with the given id.
The document doc needs to be a newtype over a with _id
, _rev
and some data. The proto-document is just the data record, without
and _rev
This is the recommended way to generate documents, rather than relying on PouchDB to make up a random document ID for you.
#deleteDoc Source
deleteDoc :: forall dat doc. WriteForeign { _deleted :: Boolean, _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => Lacks "_deleted" dat => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> doc -> Aff doc
Delete a document from the database
Unlike PouchDB's remove
, this does not clear all fields, but merely sets _deleted: true
#bulkGet Source
bulkGet :: forall dat doc. ReadForeign doc => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> Array (Id doc) -> Aff (Array doc)
Fetch multiple documents at once.
This will throw the first parse error only.
This uses PouchDB's allDocs
under the hood. It should not be
confused with PouchDB's actual bulkGet
which is used mainly
internally for replication.
#bulkSave Source
bulkSave :: forall doc dat. ReadForeign doc => WriteForeign doc => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> Array doc -> Aff (Array doc)
Write multiple (modified) documents back to the database.
Note that this is not a transaction. Individual writes might fail but other changes might already have been made. This function will throw (only) the first error, if any.
As far as I can tell, PouchDB will increase the revision number even if you write the same exact document that's already there. You might want to avoid that.
#ReplicationEvent Source
data ReplicationEvent
#startReplication Source
startReplication :: forall options. WriteForeign { live :: Boolean | options } => Subrow options (batch_size :: Int, batches_limit :: Int, checkpoint :: Checkpoint, retry :: Boolean) => Lacks "live" options => PouchDB -> PouchDB -> Record options -> (ReplicationEvent -> Effect Unit) -> Effect (Effect Unit)
Start a continous (live) replication from source to target.
This sets the live
option to true
. For an explanation of the other options see
The event handler will be called with replication events as they happen.
Returns an effect with which you can cancel the replication.
#singleShotReplication Source
singleShotReplication :: forall options. WriteForeign (Record options) => Subrow options (batch_size :: Int, batches_limit :: Int, checkpoint :: Checkpoint) => PouchDB -> PouchDB -> Record options -> Aff (ReplicationInfo (end_time :: Foreign, status :: String))
Single-shot replication from source to target.
This is not live
replication, and thus does not accept the retry
option. For other options, see
This "blocks execution" and only returns when replication is complete or encounters an error.
#viewKeys Source
viewKeys :: forall v k l. ReadForeign { id :: Id l, key :: k, value :: v } => WriteForeign k => PouchDB -> String -> Array k -> Aff (Array { id :: Id l, key :: k, value :: v })
Simple keys query, no reduce, no docs included.
#viewKeysInclude Source
viewKeysInclude :: forall v k dat doc l. ReadForeign { doc :: doc, id :: Id l, key :: k, value :: v } => WriteForeign k => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> String -> Array k -> Aff (Array { doc :: doc, id :: Id l, key :: k, value :: v })
Simple keys query, no reduce, include docs.
Throws the first parse error only (if any).
#viewKeysDoc Source
viewKeysDoc :: forall k dat doc. ReadForeign doc => WriteForeign k => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> String -> Array k -> Aff (Array doc)
Simple keys query, no reduce, only return docs.
This is like viewKeysInclude
, except that you only get the doc
This is useful to look up a bunch of documents by a secondary key.
Something like bulkGet
, except for a different key than _id
#viewRangeLimit Source
viewRangeLimit :: forall v l k. ReadForeign k => WriteForeign k => ReadForeign v => PouchDB -> String -> { endkey :: k, startkey :: k } -> Int -> Aff (Array { id :: Id l, key :: k, value :: v })
Range query with limit, no reduce, no docs.
#allDocsRange Source
allDocsRange :: forall doc dat. ReadForeign doc => Newtype doc { _id :: Id doc, _rev :: Rev doc | dat } => PouchDB -> { endkey :: String, startkey :: String } -> Aff (Array doc)
Fetch all docs between startkey and endkey (inclusive)
Consider using rangeFromPrefix
when looking for doc ids starting with some string.
#rangeFromPrefix Source
rangeFromPrefix :: String -> { endkey :: String, startkey :: String }
Construct a {startkey, endkey} record for range queries that should match everything that starts with a given string. As recommended in in the CouchDB docs, we just append the special character \uFFF0 to the string to obtain the endkey. (This means it doesn't work if you use that in your doc ids/keys!)
#viewRangeGroupLevel Source
viewRangeGroupLevel :: forall v k. WriteForeign k => ReadForeign k => ReadForeign v => PouchDB -> String -> { endkey :: Array k, startkey :: Array k } -> Int -> Aff (Array { key :: Array k, value :: v })
Reduce query over a range of keys, with group_level.
The types here are less than ideal, because we can have compound keys with different types, e.g. movie Id (as string) and year (as Int).
- Modules
- Database.
PouchDB - Database.
PouchDB. FFI