Purescript Radox is a small state management library designed to plug into things like Purescript React. It uses variants to help us keep all our different reducers simple to work with whilst maintaining that sweet type safety.
Documentation available on Pursuit.
Let's look at a simple implementation with two reducers, to show how it works.
- Here is our important application state. It tells us about dogs we may or may not have found, and contains a number.
import Prelude
import Radox
data DogState
= NotTried
| LookingForADog
| FoundADog String
| HeavenKnowsI'mMiserableNow
type State
= { value :: Int
, dog :: DogState
, waiting :: Boolean
defaultState :: State
= { value : 0
, dog : NotTried
, waiting : false
- We'd like to be able to change this data in a nice clean way. Here is how we'd express the arbitrary counting that we'd like to do. Hopefully if you've used Elm or Redux this should seem pretty familiar to you.
A Reducer
function has the type action -> state -> state
data CountingAction
= Up
| Down
instance hasLabelCountingAction :: HasLabel CountingAction "counting"
:: Reducer CountingAction State
countingReducer action state
= case action of
-> state { value = state.value + 1 }
-> state { value = state.value - 1 }
(As is hopefully clear, CountingAction
is a sum type of the different counting-related events that may happen, and countingReducer
is a function that actions them onto the State
- We'd like to be able to change the dog portions of this data. But wait! We also need some effectful things to happen in the Real World when this is happening. Here is how we'd express the dog-based logic changes.
data Dogs
= LoadNewDog
| ApologiesThisDogIsTakingSoLong
| GotNewDog String
| DogError String
instance hasLabelDogs :: HasLabel Dogs "dogs"
:: EffectfulReducer Dogs State LiftedAction
dogReducer { dispatch } action state
= case action of
-> UpdateStateAndRunEffect
(state { dog = LookingForADog
, waiting = false
(warnAfterTimeout dispatch)
-> case state.dog of
LookingForADog -> UpdateState $ state { waiting = true }
_ -> NoOp
GotNewDog url
-> UpdateState $ state { dog = (FoundADog url) }
DogError _
-> UpdateState $ state { dog = HeavenKnowsI'mMiserableNow }
:: (LiftedAction -> Effect Unit)
-> Aff Unit
warnAfterTimeout dispatch =
liftEffect $ do
let action = dispatch (lift ApologiesThisDogIsTakingSoLong)
_ <- setTimeout 200 action
pure unit
An EffectfulReducer
is similar to Reducer
, but has the type signature
(RadoxEffects state action) -> action -> state -> ReducerReturn
is a record containing useful functions to use in reducers, and
has the following type:
type RadoxEffects state action
= { dispatch :: (action -> Effect Unit)
, getState :: Effect state
, state :: state
This means that our effectful reducer is able to inspect the current state at any point, and dispatch further actions.
What the hell is ReducerReturn
though? If you've used Purescript Thermite or
ReasonReact this might be familiar to you - it lets us either return some new
state, some sort of effect (inside an Aff
) or a combination of the two.
-- | Type of return value from reducer
data ReducerReturn stateType
= NoOp
| UpdateState stateType
| UpdateStateAndRunEffect stateType (Aff Unit)
| RunEffect (Aff Unit)
Therefore, we use NoOp
to do nothing, UpdateState
to return a new state
to change the state and do something, or RunEffect
to just do something and leave the state alone.
- We can now make a combined reducer that works on all of these at once. First we create a type that contains all our action types:
type AnyAction
= Variant ( counting :: Counting
, dogs :: Dogs
comes from the variant package btw)
- Now we use
to pipe the actions to the right place:
:: CombinedReducer LiftedAction State
rootReducer dispatch state action' =
{ counting: \action ->
UpdateState $ countReducer action state
, dogs: \action ->
dogReducer dispatch action state
} action'
(Our CombinedReducer
type must return an ReducerReturn
type from above, therefore we wrap the output of the regular Reducer
of counting
with UpdateState
, but does not need to for the already wrapped EffectfulReducer
of dogs
- That's all quite nice - but let's actually save the outcome as well. Let's create a Radox store and use it.
import Effect
import Effect.Console (logShow, log)
makeStore :: Effect Unit
makeStore = do
radox <- createStore defaultState [log] rootReducer
radox.dispatch (lift LoadNewDog)
radox.dispatch (lift Up)
radox.dispatch (lift (GotNewDog "dog"))
state <- radox.getState
pure unit
We've created a Radox store, passed it out defaultState
and rootReducer
we defined earlier, and it has given us two things:
radox.dispatch :: action -> Effect Unit
- this takes a lifted action type and applies it to the reducers.
radox.getState :: Effect state
- this retrieves the state at any time.
Because we have passed it log
, each time the state changes it will be logged into the browser console or terminal.
For us to use our individual action sum types (like DogAction
or CountingAction
) with the shared reducer, we have to run lift
on them (provided by the library) to turn them from normal values into Variant
I wanted to avoid tying the store itself into a particular library, so a separate library that provides tools to connect this with Context in Purescript React live here as purescript-react-radox.
I mean basically it has less features.