


#RANDOM Source

data RANDOM :: Effect

The RANDOM effect indicates that an Eff action may access or modify the JavaScript global random number generator, i.e. Math.random().

#random Source

random :: forall e. Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Number

Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). This is a direct wrapper around JavaScript's Math.random().

#randomInt Source

randomInt :: forall e. Int -> Int -> Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Int

Takes a range specified by low (the first argument) and high (the second), and returns a random integer uniformly distributed in the closed interval [low, high]. It is unspecified what happens if low > high, or if either of low or high is not an integer.

For example:

randomInt 1 10 >>= Console.print

will print a random integer between 1 and 10.

#randomRange Source

randomRange :: forall e. Number -> Number -> Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Number

Returns a random number between a minimum value (inclusive) and a maximum value (exclusive). It is unspecified what happens if maximum < minimum.

For example:

randomRange 1.0 2.0 >>= Console.print

will print a random number between 1 and 2.

#randomBool Source

randomBool :: forall e. Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Boolean

Returns a random boolean value with an equal chance of being true or false.