


We can think of user interfaces as exploring a (pointed) space of states. We can model that space using a comonad, and different choices of comonad correspond to different UI patterns:

  • Store corresponds to something like React, where we just have a state, and a function taking each state to a user interface.
  • The Traced comonad corresponds to something like an incremental game, where we have a state for every value in some monoid.
  • Mealy machines are more like the Elm architecture, where we respond to input events, and update some internal state.
  • A cofree comonad is a bit like Halogen. We have some functor which describes the transitions to new states, but which can also respond to queries on the current state.

We can use Co w to explore the state space. Co w actions will be connected to the user interface. For example:

  • Co (Store s) is isomorphic to State s, so we can use get and put to read and write the stored state.
  • Co (Traced w) is isomorphic to Writer, so we can use tell to append some monoidal value to our state.
  • Mealy action is Cofree (Function action), so Co (Mealy action) is isomorphic to Free (Tuple action). We can emit zero or more actions in response to each user event.
  • Co (Cofree f) is isomorphic to Free g whenever f pairs with g. This corresponds to something like the Halogen API.

#Handler Source

type Handler a = a -> Effect Unit

A Handler takes an action and modifies the React component state.

#UI Source

type UI a = Handler a -> ReactElement

A UI, which is parameterized by its type of actions. For the purposes of this implementation, a UI is just a ReactElement which takes its event Handler as an explicit argument.

#Component Source

type Component w = w (UI (Co w Unit))

A Component is a comonad w full of future UIs. Those UIs can dispatch actions in the Co w monad in order to explore the state space.

#explore Source

explore :: forall props w. Comonad w => Component w -> ReactClass (Record props)

Explore a space of states specified by some comonad, and defined by a value in that comonad.

This function creates a ReactClass which can be rendered using React. See the test project for an example.