


#Prop Source

type Prop a = a -> a

The type for passing in properties to Components. Unfortunately at the moment the only way to specify a subset of all properties is to use record update syntax

It is hoped that in the future Row constraints will replace the need for this

#ImageSource Source

data ImageSource :: Type

A type representing the source of an image

Unfortunately the purescript compiler currently cannot generate require("./image.png") calls directly, so currently you will need to use FFI code:


module Images where
foreign import myImage :: ImageSource```

exports.myImage = require("myimage.png");```

#uriSrc Source

uriSrc :: String -> ImageSource

Create an ImageSource from a URI string

#uriSrc' Source

uriSrc' :: { height :: Int, uri :: String, width :: Int } -> ImageSource

Create an ImageSource from a URI with a specified width and height

#urisSrc Source

urisSrc :: Array ImageSource -> ImageSource

Create an ImageSource from an Array of ImageSource's

#RefType Source

data RefType :: Type -> Type

Data type representing the "ref" attribute

#unsafeRef Source

unsafeRef :: forall a. String -> RefType a

Provide a named ref which will be accessible using React.getRefs Facebook say they are deprecating the use of named refs.

#refFunc Source

refFunc :: forall ref eff. EffFn1 eff (Nullable ref) Unit -> RefType ref

Creates a RefType from an effectful function.

#Insets Source

type Insets = { bottom :: Number, left :: Number, right :: Number, top :: Number }

#nativeImageSource Source

nativeImageSource :: { android :: String, height :: Int, width :: Int } -> ImageSource

#AutoEnum Source

class AutoEnum a  where


#NormalEnum Source

class NormalEnum a  where


#CenterEnum Source

class CenterEnum a  where


#VisibilityEnum Source

class VisibilityEnum a  where


#NoneEnum Source

class NoneEnum a  where
