


React Native styles, see for the full documentation

#Styles Source

data Styles :: Type

A type that represents things that can be passed into 'style' properties

#StyleProp Source

data StyleProp :: Type

A type which represents a single style

#styles Source

styles :: Array StyleProp -> Styles

Create styles from an array, if the styles are static, use staticStyles

#styles' Source

styles' :: Array Styles -> Styles

Create Styles from an array of them, last style has precedence

#staticStyles Source

staticStyles :: Array StyleProp -> Styles

Register an array of static styles, internally using React Native's StyleSheet.create function

#unsafeStyleProp Source

unsafeStyleProp :: forall a. String -> a -> StyleProp

#Position Source

newtype Position

#position Source

position :: Position -> StyleProp

position in React Native is similar to regular CSS, but everything is set to relative by default, so absolute positioning is always just relative to the parent. If you want to position a child using specific numbers of logical pixels relative to its parent, set the child to have absolute position. If you want to position a child relative to something that is not its parent, just don't use styles for that. Use the component tree. See for more details on how position differs between React Native and CSS.

#BorderStyle Source

newtype BorderStyle

#backgroundColor Source

#left Source

left :: Int -> StyleProp

left is the number of logical pixels to offset the left edge of this component. It works similarly to left in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details of how left affects layout.

#right Source

right :: Int -> StyleProp

right is the number of logical pixels to offset the right edge of this component. It works similarly to right in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details of how right affects layout.

#top Source

top :: Int -> StyleProp

top is the number of logical pixels to offset the top edge of this component. It works similarly to top in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details of how top affects layout.

#bottom Source

bottom :: Int -> StyleProp

bottom is the number of logical pixels to offset the bottom edge of this component. It works similarly to bottom in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details of how bottom affects layout.

#margin Source

margin :: Int -> StyleProp

Setting margin has the same effect as setting each of marginTop, marginLeft, marginBottom, and marginRight. See for more details.

#marginBottom Source

marginBottom :: Int -> StyleProp

marginBottom works like margin-bottom in CSS. See for more details.

#marginHorizontal Source

marginHorizontal :: Int -> StyleProp

Setting marginHorizontal has the same effect as setting both marginLeft and marginRight.

#marginLeft Source

marginLeft :: Int -> StyleProp

marginLeft works like margin-left in CSS. See for more details.

#marginRight Source

marginRight :: Int -> StyleProp

marginRight works like margin-right in CSS. See for more details.

#marginTop Source

marginTop :: Int -> StyleProp

marginTop works like margin-top in CSS. See for more details.

#marginVertical Source

marginVertical :: Int -> StyleProp

Setting marginVertical has the same effect as setting both marginTop and marginBottom.

#width Source

width :: Int -> StyleProp

width sets the width of this component. It works similarly to width in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details.

#height Source

height :: Int -> StyleProp

height sets the height of this component. It works similarly to height in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details.

#maxHeight Source

maxHeight :: Int -> StyleProp

maxHeight is the maximum height for this component, in logical pixels. It works similarly to max-height in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details.

#maxWidth Source

maxWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

maxWidth is the maximum width for this component, in logical pixels. It works similarly to max-width in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details.

#minHeight Source

minHeight :: Int -> StyleProp

minHeight is the minimum height for this component, in logical pixels. It works similarly to min-height in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details.

#minWidth Source

minWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

minWidth is the minimum width for this component, in logical pixels. It works similarly to min-width in CSS, but in React Native you must use logical pixel units, rather than percents, ems, or any of that. See for more details.

#Overflow Source

#overflow Source

overflow :: Overflow -> StyleProp

overflow controls how a children are measured and displayed. overflow: hidden causes views to be clipped while overflow: scroll causes views to be measured independently of their parents main axis.It works likeoverflow` in CSS (default: visible). See for more details.

#padding Source

padding :: Int -> StyleProp

Setting padding has the same effect as setting each of paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingLeft, and paddingRight. See for more details.

#paddingBottom Source

paddingBottom :: Int -> StyleProp

paddingBottom works like padding-bottom in CSS. See for more details.

#paddingHorizontal Source

paddingHorizontal :: Int -> StyleProp

Setting paddingHorizontal is like setting both of paddingLeft and paddingRight.

#paddingLeft Source

paddingLeft :: Int -> StyleProp

paddingLeft works like padding-left in CSS. See for more details.

#paddingRight Source

paddingRight :: Int -> StyleProp

paddingRight works like padding-right in CSS. See for more details.

#paddingTop Source

paddingTop :: Int -> StyleProp

paddingTop works like padding-top in CSS. See for more details.

#paddingVertical Source

paddingVertical :: Int -> StyleProp

Setting paddingVertical is like setting both of paddingTop and paddingBottom.

#borderBottomWidth Source

borderBottomWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

borderBottomWidth works like border-bottom-width in CSS. See for more details.

#borderLeftWidth Source

borderLeftWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

borderLeftWidth works like border-left-width in CSS. See for more details.

#borderRightWidth Source

borderRightWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

borderRightWidth works like border-right-width in CSS. See for more details.

#borderTopWidth Source

borderTopWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

borderTopWidth works like border-top-width in CSS. See for more details.

#borderWidth Source

borderWidth :: Int -> StyleProp

borderWidth works like border-width in CSS. See for more details.

#borderBottomColor Source

#borderBottomLeftRadius Source

#borderBottomRightRadius Source

#borderLeftColor Source

#borderRadius Source

#borderRightColor Source

#borderTopLeftRadius Source

#borderTopRightRadius Source

#ResizeMode Source

#hairlineWidth Source