


#Builder Source

newtype Builder a b

A Builder can be used to build a record by incrementally adding fields in-place, instead of using insert and repeatedly generating new immutable records which need to be garbage collected.

The mutations accumulated in a Builder are safe because intermediate states can't be observed. These mutations, then, are performed all-at-once in the build function.

The Category instance for Builder can be used to compose builders.

For example:

build (insert x 42 >>> insert y "testing") {} :: { x :: Int, y :: String }


#build Source

build :: forall r1 r2. Builder (Record r1) (Record r2) -> Record r1 -> Record r2

Build a record, starting from some other record.

#buildFromScratch Source

buildFromScratch :: forall r. Builder (Record ()) (Record r) -> Record r

Build a record from scratch.

#flip Source

flip :: forall r1 r2 r3. (Record r1 -> Builder (Record r2) (Record r3)) -> Record r2 -> Builder (Record r1) (Record r3)

Flip a function of one argument returning a builder.

#insert Source

insert :: forall l a r1 r2. Cons l a r1 r2 => Lacks l r1 => IsSymbol l => Proxy l -> a -> Builder (Record r1) (Record r2)

Build by inserting a new field.

#modify Source

modify :: forall l a b r r1 r2. Cons l a r r1 => Cons l b r r2 => IsSymbol l => Proxy l -> (a -> b) -> Builder (Record r1) (Record r2)

Build by modifying an existing field.

#delete Source

delete :: forall l a r1 r2. IsSymbol l => Lacks l r1 => Cons l a r1 r2 => Proxy l -> Builder (Record r2) (Record r1)

Build by deleting an existing field.

#rename Source

rename :: forall l1 l2 a r1 r2 r3. IsSymbol l1 => IsSymbol l2 => Cons l1 a r2 r1 => Lacks l1 r2 => Cons l2 a r2 r3 => Lacks l2 r2 => Proxy l1 -> Proxy l2 -> Builder (Record r1) (Record r3)

Build by renaming an existing field.

#merge Source

merge :: forall r1 r2 r3 r4. Union r1 r2 r3 => Nub r3 r4 => Record r1 -> Builder (Record r2) (Record r4)

Build by merging existing fields from another record, taking precedence in the case of overlaps.

For example:

build (merge { x: 1, y: "y" }) { y: 2, z: true }
 :: { x :: Int, y :: String, z :: Boolean }

#union Source

union :: forall r1 r2 r3. Union r1 r2 r3 => Record r1 -> Builder (Record r2) (Record r3)

Build by merging existing fields from another record, taking precedence in the case of overlaps. Unlike merge, this does not remove duplicate labels from the resulting record type. This can result in better inference for some pipelines, deferring the need for a Nub constraint.

For example:

build (union { x: 1, y: "y" }) { y: 2, z: true }
 :: { x :: Int, y :: String, y :: Int, z :: Boolean }

#disjointUnion Source

disjointUnion :: forall r1 r2 r3. Union r1 r2 r3 => Nub r3 r3 => Record r1 -> Builder (Record r2) (Record r3)

Build by merging some disjoint set of fields from another record.

#nub Source

nub :: forall r1 r2. Nub r1 r2 => Builder (Record r1) (Record r2)

A coercion which removes duplicate labels from a record's type.