


Re-exports from Redox.Free

#Interp Source

type Interp dsl state eff = Free dsl (state -> state) -> state -> Aff eff state

#dispatchP Source

dispatchP :: forall e eff dsl state. (Error -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) Unit) -> Interp dsl state (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) -> Store state -> Free dsl (state -> state) -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) (Canceler (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff))

Dispatch function which does not handle store updates. That's useful if the interpreter is updating the store. You can use Redox.Utils.mkIncInterp to create such interpreter.

#dispatch Source

dispatch :: forall e eff dsl state. (Error -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) Unit) -> Interp dsl state (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) -> Store state -> Free dsl (state -> state) -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) (Canceler (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff))

Dispatch dsl commands that will be interpreted in Aff monad. You have to write your own DSL for the state changes and an interpreter for it. Check out purescript-dsl-example or see the tests. This is useful if you want to have a batch dispatch that dispatches all the commands at once when the interpreter finished running over the commands.

#_dispatch Source

_dispatch :: forall e eff dsl state. (Error -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) Unit) -> (state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) Unit) -> Interp dsl state (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) -> Store state -> Free dsl (state -> state) -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) (Canceler (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff))

Re-exports from Redox.Store

#WriteRedox Source

data WriteRedox :: Effect

Effect for writing to the store

#WriteOnlyRedox Source

type WriteOnlyRedox = (write :: WriteRedox)

#SubscribeRedox Source

data SubscribeRedox :: Effect

Effect for (un)subscribing to the store

#Store Source

data Store :: Type -> Type


#RedoxStore Source

#ReadWriteSubscribeRedox Source

type ReadWriteSubscribeRedox = (read :: ReadRedox, subscribe :: SubscribeRedox, write :: WriteRedox)

#ReadWriteRedox Source

type ReadWriteRedox = (read :: ReadRedox, write :: WriteRedox)

#ReadRedox Source

data ReadRedox :: Effect

Effect for reading state of the store or retreaving store subscribers.

#ReadOnlyRedox Source

type ReadOnlyRedox = (read :: ReadRedox)

#CreateRedox Source

data CreateRedox :: Effect

Effect for creating Redox Store

#unsubscribe Source

unsubscribe :: forall eff e state. Store state -> SubscriptionId -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (subscribe :: SubscribeRedox | e) | eff) Unit

Remove a subscription with a given id.

#subscribe Source

subscribe :: forall eff' eff e state. Store state -> (state -> Eff eff' Unit) -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (subscribe :: SubscribeRedox | e) | eff) SubscriptionId

Subscribe to store updates. Note that store updates are not run by the store itself. That is left to dispatch or the DSL interpreter. It returns id of the subscribed callback. You can use it to remove the subscription.

#setState Source

setState :: forall eff e state. Store state -> state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (write :: WriteRedox | e) | eff) (Store state)

#performRedoxEff Source

performRedoxEff :: forall e a. Eff (redox :: RedoxStore e) a -> a

#mkStoreG Source

mkStoreG :: forall state. state -> Store state

Make store outside of Eff monad (global).

#mkStore Source

mkStore :: forall eff e state. state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (create :: CreateRedox | e) | eff) (Store state)

Make store with initial state. Store is a mutable container with a subscription mechanism.

#mapStore Source

mapStore :: forall eff e state' state. (state -> state') -> Store state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox, write :: WriteRedox | e) | eff) (Store state')

#getSubs Source

getSubs :: forall eff e state. Store state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) (Array (state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) Unit))

Get subscriptions.

#getState Source

getState :: forall eff e state. Store state -> Eff (redox :: RedoxStore (read :: ReadRedox | e) | eff) state

Re-exports from Redox.Utils

#mkIncInterp Source

mkIncInterp :: forall f state. Functor f => Store state -> Cofree f state -> Cofree f state

Make interpreter which updates the store on every step of computation. You have to supply the store and interperter of type Cofree f state. Check out tests how you can use it.

#hoistCofree' Source

hoistCofree' :: forall state f. Functor f => (f (Cofree f state) -> f (Cofree f state)) -> Cofree f state -> Cofree f state

A version of hoistCofree, where nat does not need to come from natural transformation. This corresponds to applyMiddleware in the redux library. You can use this function to add effects to your interpreter, like logging, optimistic updates, undo/redo stack, delayed actions... For example a simple logger:

  :: forall state f
   . (Functor f)
  => Cofree f state
  -> Cofree f state
addLogger interp = hoistCofree' nat interp
    nat :: f (Cofree f state) -> f (Cofree f state)
    nat fa = g <$> fa

    g :: Cofree f state -> Cofree f state
    g cof = unsafePerformEff do
      -- Control.Comonad.Cofree.head 
      log $ unsafeCoerce (head cof)
      pure cof