- Package
- purescript-refined
- Repository
- danieljharvey/purescript-refined
#Refined Source
newtype Refined p x
Refined x
(Eq x) => Eq (Refined p x)
(Show x) => Show (Refined p x)
(Ord x) => Ord (Refined p x)
Generic (Refined p x) _
(DecodeJson x, Show x, Predicate p x) => DecodeJson (Refined p x)
(EncodeJson x) => EncodeJson (Refined p x)
for encoding we just want to strip away the outside layer and use whatever is inside
(Arbitrary a, Predicate p a) => Arbitrary (Refined p a)
create an Arbitrary instance by randomly throwing values against the wall until something sticks
#unsafeRefine Source
unsafeRefine :: forall x p. Predicate p x => x -> (Refined p x)
Re-exports from Data.Refined.Error
#RefinedError Source
data RefinedError a
AndError (These (RefinedError a) (RefinedError a))
OrError (RefinedError a) (RefinedError a)
SizeEqualToError Int a
SizeGreaterThanError Int a
SizeLessThanError Int a
LessThanError Int a
GreaterThanError Int a
FromError Int a
ToError Int a
FromToError Int Int a
EqualToError Int a
NotEqualToError Int a
(Eq a) => Eq (RefinedError a)
(Show a) => Show (RefinedError a)
Re-exports from Data.Refined.Internal
Re-exports from Data.Refined.Predicate
#SizeLessThan Source
data SizeLessThan a
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the length of a foldable is less than a given int
(Predicate a x, Foldable t, Nat n) => Predicate (SizeLessThan n) (t a)
#SizeGreaterThan Source
data SizeGreaterThan a
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the length of a foldable is greater than a given int
(Predicate a x, Foldable t, Nat n) => Predicate (SizeGreaterThan n) (t a)
#SizeEqualTo Source
data SizeEqualTo a
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the length of a foldable is equal to a given int
(Predicate a x, Foldable t, Nat n) => Predicate (SizeEqualTo n) (t a)
#Positive Source
type Positive = GreaterThan D0
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the value is greater than zero.
#NotEqualTo Source
data NotEqualTo n
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the value is not equal to a given int
(Nat n, Eq x, Ring x) => Predicate (NotEqualTo n) x
#NonZero Source
type NonZero = NotEqualTo D0
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the value is not equal to zero.
#NonNegative Source
type NonNegative = From D0
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the value is greater than or equal to zero.
#NonEmpty Source
type NonEmpty = SizeGreaterThan D0
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the 'Foldable' is non-empty.
#GreaterThan Source
data GreaterThan n
A 'Predicate' ensuring that the value is greater than a given int
(Nat n, Ord x, Ring x) => Predicate (GreaterThan n) x
#Predicate Source
class Predicate p x where
validate :: p -> x -> Either (RefinedError x) x
Predicate IdPred x
(Predicate l x, Predicate r x) => Predicate (And l r) x
(Predicate l x, Predicate r x) => Predicate (Or l r) x
(Predicate a x, Foldable t, Nat n) => Predicate (SizeEqualTo n) (t a)
(Predicate a x, Foldable t, Nat n) => Predicate (SizeGreaterThan n) (t a)
(Predicate a x, Foldable t, Nat n) => Predicate (SizeLessThan n) (t a)
(Predicate a x) => Predicate (Not a) x
(Nat n, Ord x, Ring x) => Predicate (LessThan n) x
(Nat n, Ord x, Ring x) => Predicate (GreaterThan n) x
(Nat n, Ord x, Ring x) => Predicate (From n) x
(Nat n, Ord x, Ring x) => Predicate (To n) x
(Nat n, Nat m, Ord x, Ring x) => Predicate (FromTo m n) x
(Nat n, Eq x, Ring x) => Predicate (EqualTo n) x
(Nat n, Eq x, Ring x) => Predicate (NotEqualTo n) x
for decoding we first decode the thing inside, then run our predicate on it