- Package
- purescript-rxjs
- Repository
- jasonzoladz/purescript-rxjs
#ReplaySubject Source
data ReplaySubject :: Type -> Type
Please see RxJS Version 5.* documentation for additional details on proper usage of the library.
#observeOn Source
observeOn :: forall a. Scheduler -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Makes every next
call run in the new Scheduler.
#subscribeOn Source
subscribeOn :: forall a. Scheduler -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Makes subscription happen on a given Scheduler.
#subscribe Source
subscribe :: forall e a. Subscriber a -> ReplaySubject a -> Eff e Subscription
Subscribing to an ReplaySubject is like calling a function, providing
, error
and completed
effects to which the data will be delivered.
#subscribeNext Source
subscribeNext :: forall e a. (a -> Eff e Unit) -> ReplaySubject a -> Eff e Subscription
#just Source
just :: forall a. a -> ReplaySubject a
Creates an ReplaySubject that emits the value specify,
and then emits a complete notification. An alias for of
#next Source
next :: forall e a. a -> ReplaySubject a -> Eff e Unit
Send a new value to a ReplaySubject
#asObservable Source
asObservable :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> Observable a
Create an Observable from a ReplaySubject
#buffer Source
buffer :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject (Array a)
Collects values from the first ReplaySubject into an Array, and emits that array only when second ReplaySubject emits.
#bufferCount Source
bufferCount :: forall a. Int -> Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (Array a)
Collects values from the past as an array, emits that array when its size (arg1) reaches the specified buffer size, and starts a new buffer. The new buffer starts with nth (arg2) element of the ReplaySubject counting from the beginning of the last buffer.
#bufferToggle Source
bufferToggle :: forall c b a. (ReplaySubject a) -> (ReplaySubject b) -> (b -> ReplaySubject c) -> (ReplaySubject (Array a))
Collects values from the source ReplaySubject (arg1) as an array. Starts collecting only when the opening (arg2) ReplaySubject emits, and calls the closingSelector function (arg3) to get an ReplaySubject that decides when to close the buffer. Another buffer opens when the opening ReplaySubject emits its next value.
#bufferWhen Source
bufferWhen :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject (Array a)
Collects values from the past as an array. When it starts collecting values, it calls a function that returns an ReplaySubject that emits to close the buffer and restart collecting.
#concatMap Source
concatMap :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject b
Equivalent to mergeMap (a.k.a, >>=
) EXCEPT that, unlike mergeMap,
the next bind will not run until the ReplaySubject generated by the projection function (arg2)
completes. That is, composition is sequential, not concurrent.
Warning: if source values arrive endlessly and faster than their corresponding
inner ReplaySubjects can complete, it will result in memory issues as inner
ReplaySubjects amass in an unbounded buffer waiting for their turn to be subscribed to.
#concatMapTo Source
concatMapTo :: forall c b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> (a -> b -> ReplaySubject c) -> ReplaySubject c
The type signature explains it best. Warning: Like concatMap
, composition is sequential.
#exhaustMap Source
exhaustMap :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject b
It's Like concatMap (a.k.a, >>=
) EXCEPT that it ignores every new projected
ReplaySubject if the previous projected ReplaySubject has not yet completed.
#expand Source
expand :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject a) -> ReplaySubject a
It's similar to mergeMap, but applies the projection function to every source value as well as every output value. It's recursive.
#groupBy Source
groupBy :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a)
Groups the items emitted by an ReplaySubject (arg2) according to the value returned by the grouping function (arg1). Each group becomes its own ReplaySubject.
#mapTo Source
mapTo :: forall b a. b -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b
Emits the given constant value on the output ReplaySubject every time the source ReplaySubject emits a value.
#mergeMap Source
mergeMap :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject b
Maps each value to an ReplaySubject, then flattens all of these ReplaySubjects
using mergeAll. It's just monadic bind
#mergeMapTo Source
mergeMapTo :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject b
Maps each value of the ReplaySubject (arg1) to the same inner ReplaySubject (arg2), then flattens the result.
#pairwise Source
pairwise :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (Array a)
Puts the current value and previous value together as an array, and emits that.
#partition Source
partition :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> ReplaySubject a -> Array (ReplaySubject a)
Given a predicate function (arg1), and an ReplaySubject (arg2), it outputs a two element array of partitioned values (i.e., [ ReplaySubject valuesThatPassPredicate, ReplaySubject valuesThatFailPredicate ]).
#scan Source
scan :: forall b a. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b
Given an accumulator function (arg1), an initial value (arg2), and a source ReplaySubject (arg3), it returns an ReplaySubject that emits the current accumlation whenever the source emits a value.
#switchMap Source
switchMap :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject b
Projects each source value to an ReplaySubject which is merged in the output ReplaySubject, emitting values only from the most recently projected ReplaySubject.
#switchMapTo Source
switchMapTo :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject b
It's like switchMap, but maps each value to the same inner ReplaySubject.
#window Source
window :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a)
It's like buffer, but emits a nested ReplaySubject instead of an array.
#windowCount Source
windowCount :: forall a. Int -> Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a)
It's like bufferCount, but emits a nested ReplaySubject instead of an array.
#windowTime Source
windowTime :: forall a. Int -> Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a)
It's like bufferTime, but emits a nested ReplaySubject instead of an array, and it doesn't take a maximum size parameter. arg1 is how long to buffer items into a new ReplaySubject, arg2 is the when the next buffer should begin, and arg3 is the source ReplaySubject.
#windowToggle Source
windowToggle :: forall c b a. (ReplaySubject a) -> (ReplaySubject b) -> (b -> ReplaySubject c) -> (ReplaySubject (Array a))
It's like bufferToggle, but emits a nested ReplaySubject instead of an array.
#windowWhen Source
windowWhen :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a)
It's like bufferWhen, but emits a nested ReplaySubject instead of an array.
#audit Source
audit :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject a
It's like auditTime, but the silencing duration is determined by a second ReplaySubject.
#auditTime Source
auditTime :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Ignores source values for duration milliseconds, then emits the most recent value from the source ReplaySubject, then repeats this process.
#debounce Source
debounce :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject Int) -> ReplaySubject a
It's like debounceTime, but the time span of emission silence is determined by a second ReplaySubject. Allows for a variable debounce rate.
#debounceTime Source
debounceTime :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
It's like delay, but passes only the most recent value from each burst of emissions.
#distinct Source
distinct :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that emits all items emitted by the source ReplaySubject that are distinct by comparison from previous items.
#distinctUntilChanged Source
distinctUntilChanged :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that emits all items emitted by the source ReplaySubject that are distinct by comparison from the previous item.
#elementAt Source
elementAt :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> Int -> ReplaySubject a
Emits the single value at the specified index in a sequence of emissions from the source ReplaySubject.
#filter Source
filter :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Filter items emitted by the source ReplaySubject by only emitting those that satisfy a specified predicate.
#ignoreElements Source
ignoreElements :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Ignores all items emitted by the source ReplaySubject and only passes calls of complete or error.
#last Source
last :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that emits only the last item emitted by the source ReplaySubject.
#sample Source
sample :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject a
It's like sampleTime, but samples whenever the notifier ReplaySubject emits something.
#sampleTime Source
sampleTime :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Periodically looks at the source ReplaySubject and emits whichever value it has most recently emitted since the previous sampling, unless the source has not emitted anything since the previous sampling.
#skip Source
skip :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that skips n items emitted by an ReplaySubject.
#skipUntil Source
skipUntil :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that skips items emitted by the source ReplaySubject until a second ReplaySubject emits an item.
#skipWhile Source
skipWhile :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that skips all items emitted by the source ReplaySubject as long as a specified condition holds true, but emits all further source items as soon as the condition becomes false.
#take Source
take :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Emits only the first n values emitted by the source ReplaySubject.
#takeUntil Source
takeUntil :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject a
Lets values pass until a second ReplaySubject emits something. Then, it completes.
#takeWhile Source
takeWhile :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Emits values emitted by the source ReplaySubject so long as each value satisfies the given predicate, and then completes as soon as this predicate is not satisfied.
#throttle Source
throttle :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject a
It's like throttleTime, but the silencing duration is determined by a second ReplaySubject.
#throttleTime Source
throttleTime :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Emits a value from the source ReplaySubject, then ignores subsequent source values for duration milliseconds, then repeats this process.
#combineLatest Source
combineLatest :: forall c b a. (a -> b -> c) -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject c
An ReplaySubject of projected values from the most recent values from each input ReplaySubject.
#concat Source
concat :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Concatenates two ReplaySubjects together by sequentially emitting their values, one ReplaySubject after the other.
#concatAll Source
concatAll :: forall a. ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a) -> ReplaySubject a
Converts a higher-order ReplaySubject into a first-order ReplaySubject by concatenating the inner ReplaySubjects in order.
#exhaust Source
exhaust :: forall a. ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a) -> ReplaySubject a
Flattens an ReplaySubject-of-ReplaySubjects by dropping the next inner ReplaySubjects while the current inner is still executing.
#merge Source
merge :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Creates an output ReplaySubject which concurrently emits all values from each input ReplaySubject.
#mergeAll Source
mergeAll :: forall a. ReplaySubject (ReplaySubject a) -> ReplaySubject a
Converts a higher-order ReplaySubject into a first-order ReplaySubject which concurrently delivers all values that are emitted on the inner ReplaySubjects.
#race Source
race :: forall a. Array (ReplaySubject a) -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that mirrors the first source ReplaySubject to emit an item from the array of ReplaySubjects.
#startWith Source
startWith :: forall a. Array a -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Returns an ReplaySubject that emits the items in the given Array before it begins to emit items emitted by the source ReplaySubject.
#withLatestFrom Source
withLatestFrom :: forall c b a. (a -> b -> c) -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject b -> ReplaySubject c
Combines each value from the source ReplaySubjects using a project function to determine the value to be emitted on the output ReplaySubject.
#zip Source
zip :: forall a. Array (ReplaySubject a) -> ReplaySubject (Array a)
Waits for each ReplaySubject to emit a value. Once this occurs, all values with the corresponding index will be emitted. This will continue until at least one inner ReplaySubject completes.
#catch Source
catch :: forall a. (ReplaySubject a) -> (Error -> ReplaySubject a) -> (ReplaySubject a)
#retry Source
retry :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
If the source ReplaySubject calls error, this method will resubscribe to the source ReplaySubject n times rather than propagating the error call.
#delay Source
delay :: forall a. Int -> ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject a
Time shifts each item by some specified amount of milliseconds.
#delayWhen Source
delayWhen :: forall b a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> ReplaySubject b) -> ReplaySubject a
Delays the emission of items from the source ReplaySubject by a given time span determined by the emissions of another ReplaySubject.
#dematerialize Source
dematerialize :: forall a. ReplaySubject (Notification a) -> ReplaySubject a
#materialize Source
materialize :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (Notification a)
#performEach Source
performEach :: forall e a. ReplaySubject a -> (a -> Eff e Unit) -> Eff e (ReplaySubject a)
Performs the effect on each value of the ReplaySubject. An alias for do
Useful for testing (transparently performing an effect outside of a subscription).
#toArray Source
toArray :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject (Array a)
#count Source
count :: forall a. ReplaySubject a -> ReplaySubject Int
Counts the number of emissions on the source and emits that number when the source completes.
NOTE: The semigroup instance uses