- Package
- purescript-simple-child-process
- Repository
- corajr/purescript-simple-child-process
This module contains simplified functions to call child processes and return their results in Aff.
It re-exports the CHILD_PROCESS effect.
import Node.ChildProcess.Simple (execAff')
main = launchAff do
result <- execAff' "echo \"Hi\""
log result
#execAff Source
execAff :: forall e. String -> ExecOptions -> Aff (buffer :: BUFFER, cp :: CHILD_PROCESS | e) ProcessOutput
Run a command in the shell and return its stdout and stderr as Strings.
#execFileAff Source
execFileAff :: forall e. String -> Array String -> ExecOptions -> Aff (buffer :: BUFFER, cp :: CHILD_PROCESS | e) ProcessOutput
Run a command directly from a file and return its stdout and stderr as Strings.
#execFileAff' Source
execFileAff' :: forall e. String -> Array String -> Aff (buffer :: BUFFER, cp :: CHILD_PROCESS | e) String
Run a command directly from a file using defaultExecOptions and return its stdout as a String.
Re-exports from Node.ChildProcess
data CHILD_PROCESS :: Effect
The effect for creating and interacting with child processes.
- Modules
- Node.
ChildProcess. Simple