


#choice Source

choice :: forall a m f. Plus m => Foldable f => f (m a) -> m a

Choose the first successful element from a foldable container of parsers.

#option Source

option :: forall a m. Alternative m => a -> m a -> m a

Attempt a parse, with a default value in case of failure.

#bracket Source

bracket :: forall a r l m. Applicative m => m l -> m a -> m r -> m a

Parse something surrounded by given arguments.

#many Source

many :: forall a m. MonadPlus m => m a -> m (List a)

Parse as many times as possible, giving a List.

#many1 Source

many1 :: forall a m. MonadPlus m => m a -> m (List a)

Parse at least once, giving a List.

#exactly Source

exactly :: forall a m. Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m (List a)

exactly n p fails iff many p would produce a list of length < n. However, exactly n p will never produce a list of larger length. Example in PSCI:

> parse (exactly 3 $ char '6') "6666666"
Just (Cons ('6') (Cons ('6') (Cons ('6'))))
> parse (exactly 3 $ string "Bye) "ByeBye"

#atLeast Source

atLeast :: forall a m. MonadPlus m => Int -> m a -> m (List a)

atLeast n p fails iff exactly n p does, but it differs in that there is no upper bound on the length of the produced list.

#atMost Source

atMost :: forall a m. MonadPlus m => Int -> m a -> m (List a)

atMost n p never fails and never produces a list of length larger than n.

#sepBy Source

sepBy :: forall b a m. MonadPlus m => m a -> m b -> m (List a)

Given a value to parse and a separating parser, put all the values it finds into a List. Example:

> parse (int `sepBy` char ',' <* space) "123,456,789 years ago"
Just (Cons (123) (Cons (456) (Cons (789) (Nil))))

#sepBy1 Source

sepBy1 :: forall b a m. MonadPlus m => m a -> m b -> m (List a)

Parse one or more occurrences, separated by a delimiter.

#sepEndBy Source

sepEndBy :: forall b a m. MonadPlus m => m a -> m b -> m (List a)

Does the same as sepBy, but requires the separating parser to appear at the end.