- Package
- purescript-snail
- Repository
- thimoteus/purescript-snail
#appendFile Source
appendFile :: forall e. String -> File -> Snail e Unit
Append a given string to the end of a given file.
#prependFile Source
prependFile :: forall e. String -> File -> Snail e Unit
Add a given string to the beginning of the given file.
#fromEither Source
fromEither :: forall b a e. Show a => Either a b -> Snail e b
Extract the Right value of an Either, otherwise turn the Left into an error.
Re-exports from Snail.OS
#networkInterfaces Source
networkInterfaces :: forall e. Snail e (StrMap (Array NetworkInterface))
#endianness Source
endianness :: forall e. Snail e Endianness
Re-exports from Snail.Path
Re-exports from Snail.Types
- Modules
- Snail
- Snail.
OS - Snail.
Path - Snail.