


#runSpecAndExitProcess Source

runSpecAndExitProcess :: Array Reporter -> Spec Unit -> Effect Unit

Runs the given spec, using configuration derived from CLI options (if any), and exits the process with an exit indicating success or failure.

For more control over the configuration or test tree generating monad, use runSpecAndExitProcess'.

#runSpecAndExitProcess' Source

runSpecAndExitProcess' :: forall @m c. TestTreeGenerator m => { defaultConfig :: TestRunConfig' c, parseCLIOptions :: Boolean } -> Array Reporter -> SpecT Aff Unit m Unit -> Effect Unit

Runs the given spec and exits the process with an exit code indicating success or failure.

The parseCLIOptions parameter determines whether the defaultConfig should be used as is or CLI options (if any provided) should be applied on top of it.

Note that, because this function works for any test tree generator monad m, you will need to specify it somehow. You can either give the spec parameter an explicit type:

spec :: SpecT Aff Unit Aff Unit
spec = do

Or specify the monad via visible type application:

runSpecAndExitProcess' @Aff ...

#runSpecAndGetResults Source

runSpecAndGetResults :: forall c m. TestTreeGenerator m => TestRunConfig' c -> Array Reporter -> SpecT Aff Unit m Unit -> Aff (Array (Tree String Void Result))

The core logic of a persistent test run:

  • Runs the spec tree generation in the given monad m (which is usually just Identity, but can be different in most complex scenarios)
  • Persists results to disk.
  • Returns the tree of results.

#TestTreeGenerator Source

class TestTreeGenerator :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraintclass (Monad m) <= TestTreeGenerator m  where

A monad in which test tree generation happens. This is different from the monad in which the tests themselves run.

In most cases the test tree would be generated in Identity, making for deterministic, pure test trees:

 spec :: SpecT Aff Unit Identity Unit
 spec = do
   it "is a pure test" do
     (2 + 2) `shouldEqual` 4

But in more complicated scenarios, you might want to generate test trees in a more powerful monad. For example, the following test tree is generated in the Effect monad, utilizing the effectful function randomInt to determine the number of tests to generate:

 spec :: SpecT Aff Unit Effect Unit
 spec = do
   numTests <- randomInt 1 10
   for_ numTests \i -> do
     it ("is test number " <> show i) do
       (i + i - i) `shouldEqual` i

This class assumes that the monad can be evaluated without any additional parameters. This allows for most normal use cases with ergonomic API. For more complicated cases, where the generator monad requires something extra (such as StateT or ReaderT), you can always use the mapSpecTree function to transform the generated test tree before running it.


  • generateTestTree :: forall a. m (Aff a) -> Aff a

    Evaluates the test tree generator monad, returning the generated test tree. See comments on the TestTreeGenerator class for more information.
