- Package
- purescript-spec
- Repository
- purescript-spec/purescript-spec
#runSpecT Source
runSpecT :: forall m. Functor m => Config -> Array Reporter -> SpecT Aff Unit m Unit -> m (Aff (Array (Tree Void Result)))
Run the spec with config
, returning the results, which
are also reported using specified Reporters, if any.
If configured as such, exit
the program upon completion
with appropriate exit code.
#Config Source
type Config = { exit :: Boolean, slow :: Milliseconds, timeout :: Maybe Milliseconds }
- Modules
- Test.
Spec - Test.
Spec. Assertions - Test.
Spec. Assertions. String - Test.
Spec. Console - Test.
Spec. Reporter - Test.
Spec. Reporter. Base - Test.
Spec. Reporter. Console - Test.
Spec. Reporter. Dot - Test.
Spec. Reporter. Spec - Test.
Spec. Reporter. Tap - Test.
Spec. Reporter. TeamCity - Test.
Spec. Result - Test.
Spec. Runner - Test.
Spec. Runner. Event - Test.
Spec. Speed - Test.
Spec. Style - Test.
Spec. Summary - Test.
Spec. Tree