


#ActionWith Source

type ActionWith :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typetype ActionWith m a = a -> m Unit

#Item Source

newtype Item :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Typenewtype Item m a



#PathItem Source

newtype PathItem



#Tree Source

data Tree n c a



#annotateWithPaths Source

annotateWithPaths :: forall c a. Array (Tree String c a) -> Array (Tree (String /\ Path) c a)

#bimapTreeWithPaths Source

bimapTreeWithPaths :: forall a b c d n. (Array n -> a -> b) -> (NonEmptyArray n -> c -> d) -> Tree n a c -> Tree n b d

#countTests Source

countTests :: forall n c t. Array (Tree n c t) -> Int

Count the total number of tests in a spec

#discardUnfocused Source

discardUnfocused :: forall n c m a. Array (Tree n c (Item m a)) -> Array (Tree n c (Item m a))

If there is at least one focused element, all paths which don't lead to a focused element will be remove. otherwise input will be returned as unchanged.

#filterTree Source

filterTree :: forall n c a. (n -> Maybe a -> Boolean) -> Tree n c a -> Maybe (Tree n c a)

#filterTrees Source

filterTrees :: forall n c a. (n -> Maybe a -> Boolean) -> Array (Tree n c a) -> Array (Tree n c a)

#isAllParallelizable Source

isAllParallelizable :: forall n c m a. Tree n c (Item m a) -> Boolean

Return true if all items in the tree are parallelizable

#mapTreeAnnotations Source

mapTreeAnnotations :: forall n m c a. (n -> m) -> Tree n c a -> Tree m c a

#modifyAroundAction Source

modifyAroundAction :: forall g a b. (ActionWith g a -> ActionWith g b) -> Item g a -> Item g b

Modify around action of an Item

#parentSuite Source

parentSuite :: Path -> Maybe { name :: String, path :: Path }

#parentSuiteName Source