


#run Source

run :: Warn (Text "`` is Deprecated use runSpec instead") => Array Reporter -> Spec Unit -> Aff Unit

Run the spec with the default config

#runSpec Source

runSpec :: Array Reporter -> Spec Unit -> Aff Unit

Run the spec with the default config

#runSpecT Source

runSpecT :: forall m. Functor m => Config -> Array Reporter -> SpecT Aff Unit m Unit -> m (Aff (Array (Tree String Void Result)))

Run the spec with config, returning the results, which are also reported using specified Reporters, if any. If configured as such, exit the program upon completion with appropriate exit code.

Re-exports from Test.Spec.Config

#TreeFilter Source

newtype TreeFilter


#Config Source

type Config = { exit :: Boolean, failFast :: Boolean, filterTree :: TreeFilter, slow :: Milliseconds, timeout :: Maybe Milliseconds }

Configuration options for the test runner.

This type defines various settings that control the behavior of the test runner.

Config has the following fields

  • slow: Threshold of time beyond which a test is considered "slow".
  • timeout: An optional timeout, applied to each individual test. When omitted, tests are allowed to run forever.
  • exit: When true, the runner will exit the Node process after running tests. If false, the runner will merely return test results.
  • failFast: When true, first failed test stops the whole run.
  • filterTree: The spec tree goes through this function before execution. Can be used to filter out test cases, rearrange, annotate, etc.

#defaultConfig Source