


#cell Source

cell :: forall cell columnId rowId. Hashable columnId => Hashable rowId => Table rowId columnId cell -> rowId -> columnId -> Maybe cell

#column Source

column :: forall cell columnId rowId. Hashable columnId => Hashable rowId => Hashable cell => Table rowId columnId cell -> columnId -> HashMap rowId cell

#columnId Source

columnId :: forall columnId rowId. Tuple rowId columnId -> columnId

#columnIds Source

columnIds :: forall columnId rowId cell. Hashable columnId => Table rowId columnId cell -> HashSet columnId

#columns Source

columns :: forall c idc idr. Hashable idc => Hashable idr => Hashable c => Table idr idc c -> HashSet (HashMap (Tuple idr idc) c)

#columns' Source

columns' :: forall c idc idr. Hashable idc => Hashable idr => Table idr idc c -> HashMap idc (HashMap idr c)

#mapColumns Source

mapColumns :: forall rowId columnId cell1 cell2. Hashable columnId => Hashable rowId => Hashable cell1 => (HashMap rowId cell1 -> HashMap rowId cell2) -> Table rowId columnId cell1 -> Either (HashSet (MissingCell rowId columnId)) (Table rowId columnId cell2)

The mapping function should preserve the length of the list. If it doesn't, you'll end up

#mapRows Source

mapRows :: forall rowId columnId cell1 cell2. Hashable columnId => Hashable rowId => Hashable cell1 => (HashMap columnId cell1 -> HashMap columnId cell2) -> Table rowId columnId cell1 -> Either (HashSet (MissingCell rowId columnId)) (Table rowId columnId cell2)

The mapping function should preserve the length of the list. If it doesn't, you'll end up

#row Source

row :: forall cell columnId rowId. Hashable rowId => Hashable columnId => Hashable cell => Table rowId columnId cell -> rowId -> HashMap columnId cell

#rowId Source

rowId :: forall columnId rowId. Tuple rowId columnId -> rowId

#rowIds Source

rowIds :: forall columnId rowId cell. Hashable rowId => Table rowId columnId cell -> HashSet rowId

#rows Source

rows :: forall cell idc idr. Hashable idr => Hashable idc => Hashable cell => Table idr idc cell -> HashSet (HashMap (Tuple idr idc) cell)

#rows' Source

rows' :: forall c idc idr. Hashable idr => Hashable idc => Table idr idc c -> HashMap idr (HashMap idc c)

Re-exports from Data.Table.Internal

#Table Source

newtype Table rowId columnId cell


#MissingCell Source

newtype MissingCell rowId columnId


#mk Source

mk :: forall columnId rowId cell. Hashable rowId => Hashable columnId => HashMap (Tuple rowId columnId) cell -> Either (HashSet (MissingCell rowId columnId)) (Table rowId columnId cell)