A library for writing and reading from ini files.
Disclaimer: this library does not aim to provide flexible ini support. Only what's easy.
The main way I work with ini files is to declare that the top level must be a record, with each section header being a label and the section body being a record type at that field.
Each section is then a record of the values, where key=value
with no spaces, with the following representations:
- Boolean: true or false, unquoted
- Int: 1 as the number not wrapped in anything
- String: string, unquoted
- Array: members represented as their types, with a comma delimiter
testDoc :: String
testDoc = """
type TestIni =
{ section1 ::
{ fruit :: String
, isRed :: Boolean
, seeds :: Int
, children :: Array String
, section2 ::
{ bat :: String
, "麻婆豆腐" ::
-- ...
suite "parsellIni" do
test "works" do
case parsellIni testDoc of
Left e -> failure $ show e
Right (result :: TestIni) -> do
equal result.section1.fruit "apple"
equal result.section1.isRed true
equal result.section1.seeds 4
equal result.section1.children ["banana","grape","pineapple"]
equal result.section2.bat "grey"
Things someone might add if they really want it:
- Nullary Sum to String generic to work with enumerable values
- Do you really need this though?...
- Escaping characters
- Multiline escaping
- Whatever other "nice to have" features
Things that I won't support unless someone has a good idea:
- Records nested in sections. Who wants this anyway?
- Nested arrays. What even?