- Package
- purescript-tortellini
- Repository
- justinwoo/purescript-tortellini
#Parsellini Source
type Parsellini a = Except UhOhSpaghettios a
#parsellIni Source
parsellIni :: forall row rl. RowToList row rl => ReadLevel rl () row (Object (Object String)) => String -> Either UhOhSpaghettios (Record row)
#parsellIni' Source
parsellIni' :: forall row rl. RowToList row rl => ReadLevel rl () row (Object (Object String)) => String -> Except UhOhSpaghettios (Record row)
#ReadIniField Source
#ReadLevel Source
class ReadLevel (xs :: RowList) (from :: Row Type) (to :: Row Type) strmap | xs strmap -> from to where
ReadLevel Nil () () strmap
(IsSymbol name, Cons name ty from' to, Lacks name from', ReadIniField ty, ReadLevel tail from from' (Object String)) => ReadLevel (Cons name ty tail) from to (Object String)
(IsSymbol name, Cons name (Record inner) from' to, Lacks name from', RowToList inner xs, ReadLevel xs () inner a, ReadLevel tail from from' (Object a)) => ReadLevel (Cons name (Record inner) tail) from to (Object a)
- Modules
- Tortellini
- Tortellini.