- Package
- purescript-typelevel-prelude
- Repository
- purescript/purescript-typelevel-prelude
#RowLacking Source
class RowLacking (entry :: Type) (key :: Symbol) (typ :: Type) (row :: Row Type) | entry typ -> key row
If you get "No type class instance was found" for this class, then your
shouldn't contain the label key
RowLacking entry key entry row
#Nil Source
data Nil :: RowList
ListToRow Nil ()
RowListRemove label Nil Nil
RowListNub Nil Nil
(TypeEquals (RLProxy rhs) (RLProxy out)) => RowListAppend Nil rhs out
#Cons Source
data Cons :: Symbol -> Type -> RowList -> RowList
(ListToRow tail tailRow, RowCons label ty tailRow row) => ListToRow (Cons label ty tail) row
(RowListRemove label tail tailOutput, Equals label key eq, If eq (RLProxy tailOutput) (RLProxy (Cons key head tailOutput)) (RLProxy output)) => RowListRemove label (Cons key head tail) output
(TypeEquals (SProxy label) (SProxy label'), TypeEquals typ typ', RowListRemove label input lacking) => RowListSet label typ input (Cons label' typ' lacking)
(TypeEquals (SProxy label) (SProxy label'), TypeEquals head head', TypeEquals (RLProxy nubbed) (RLProxy nubbed'), RowListRemove label tail removed, RowListNub removed nubbed) => RowListNub (Cons label head tail) (Cons label' head' nubbed')
(RowListAppend tail rhs out', TypeEquals (RLProxy (Cons label head out')) (RLProxy out)) => RowListAppend (Cons label head tail) rhs out
#RowListRemove Source
class RowListRemove (label :: Symbol) (input :: RowList) (output :: RowList) | label input -> output
Remove all occurences of a given label from a RowList
RowListRemove label Nil Nil
(RowListRemove label tail tailOutput, Equals label key eq, If eq (RLProxy tailOutput) (RLProxy (Cons key head tailOutput)) (RLProxy output)) => RowListRemove label (Cons key head tail) output
#RowListSet Source
class RowListSet (label :: Symbol) (typ :: Type) (input :: RowList) (output :: RowList) | label typ input -> output
Add a label to a RowList after removing other occurences.
(TypeEquals (SProxy label) (SProxy label'), TypeEquals typ typ', RowListRemove label input lacking) => RowListSet label typ input (Cons label' typ' lacking)
#RowListNub Source
class RowListNub (input :: RowList) (output :: RowList) | input -> output
Remove label duplicates, keeps earlier occurrences.
RowListNub Nil Nil
(TypeEquals (SProxy label) (SProxy label'), TypeEquals head head', TypeEquals (RLProxy nubbed) (RLProxy nubbed'), RowListRemove label tail removed, RowListNub removed nubbed) => RowListNub (Cons label head tail) (Cons label' head' nubbed')
#RowListAppend Source
class RowListAppend (lhs :: RowList) (rhs :: RowList) (out :: RowList) | lhs rhs -> out
(TypeEquals (RLProxy rhs) (RLProxy out)) => RowListAppend Nil rhs out
(RowListAppend tail rhs out', TypeEquals (RLProxy (Cons label head out')) (RLProxy out)) => RowListAppend (Cons label head tail) rhs out