


#Allpass Source

data Allpass frequency q audioUnit

Term-level constructor for an allpass filter.

  • frequency - the frequency where the phase transition occurs.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#Bandpass Source

data Bandpass frequency q audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a bandpass filter.

  • frequency - the frequency of the isolated band.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#Constant Source

data Constant offset

Term-level constructor for a constant value, aka DC offset.

  • OnOff - whether the generator is on or off.
  • offset - the amount of DC offset.


#Convolver Source

data Convolver (buffer :: Symbol) audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a convolver, aka reverb.

  • buffer - the buffer of the impulse response of the space.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to convolve with the input response.


#Delay Source

data Delay delay audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a delay unit.

  • delay - the delay to apply.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to delay.


#Dup Source

data Dup audioUnit continuation

Term-level constructor for a duplicated audio unit.

  • audioUnit - the audio unit to duplicate.
  • continuation - the continuation of the audio graph. This is a function that takes the duplicated audio unit as its single argument.


  • Dup audioUnit continuation

#DynamicsCompressor Source

data DynamicsCompressor threshold knee ratio attack release audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a compressor.

  • threshold - The threshold under which compression kicks in.
  • knee - The kink of the compression.
  • ratio - The amount of compression to apply.
  • attack - How far we look ahead. Longer attacks will lead to more crisp compression at the expense of an audible delay.
  • release - How long the release time of compression should be.


#Gain Source

data Gain volume audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a gain unit.

  • volume - the volume of the gain from 0 to 1.
  • audioUnit - what we are applying the gain to.


  • Gain volume audioUnit

#Highpass Source

data Highpass frequency q audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a highpass filter.

  • frequency - the frequency below which we start to filter.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#Highshelf Source

data Highshelf frequency gain audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a highshelf filter.

  • frequency - the frequency above which we start to filter.
  • gain - the boost or the amount of attenuation to apply.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#LoopBuf Source

data LoopBuf playbackRate

Term-level constructor for a looping buffer.

  • buffer - a string representing the buffer to use. Note that this string, when reset, will only reset the buffer when it is stopped.
  • OnOff - whether or not the generator is on or off.
  • playbackRate - the playback rate.
  • Number - where in the file the loop should start.
  • Number - where in the file the loop should end. A value of 0.0 or less means play to the end of the buffer.


#Lowpass Source

data Lowpass frequency q audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a lowpass filter.

  • frequency - the frequency above which we start to filter.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#Lowshelf Source

data Lowshelf frequency gain audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a lowshelf filter.

  • frequency - the frequency below which we start to filter.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#Microphone Source

data Microphone

Term-level constructor for a microphone


#Notch Source

data Notch frequency q audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a notch (aka band-reject) filter.

  • frequency - the frequency we are rejecting.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


  • Notch frequency q audioUnit

#Peaking Source

data Peaking frequency q gain audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a peaking filter. A peaking filter is a combination of bandpass and notch where the gain parameter modulates whether we are reinforcing or attenuating a frequency.

  • frequency - the frequency we are emphasizing or rejecting.
  • q - the width of the filter.
  • gain - if positive, we are emphasizing the frequency. If negative, we are rejecting it.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to filter.


#PeriodicOsc Source

data PeriodicOsc frequency

Term-level constructor for a periodic oscillator.

  • periodicOsc - the name of the wave table we'll be using. Note that, for a chance to take effect, the periodic oscillator must be stopped.
  • OnOff - whether the generator is on or off.
  • frequency - the frequency of the oscillator.


#PlayBuf Source

data PlayBuf playbackRate

Term-level constructor for a playback buffer.

  • buffer - a string representing the buffer to use. Note that this string, when reset, will only reset the buffer when it is stopped.
  • Number - where in the file the playback should start.
  • OnOff - whether or not the generator is on or off.
  • playbackRate - the playback rate.


#Recorder Source

data Recorder (recorder :: Symbol) audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a recorder.

  • recorder - the recorder to which we write data.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to record.


#SawtoothOsc Source

data SawtoothOsc frequency

Term-level constructor for a sawtooth oscillator.

  • OnOff - whether the generator is on or off.
  • frequency - the frequency of the oscillator.


#SinOsc Source

data SinOsc frequency

Term-level constructor for a sine-wave oscillator.

  • OnOff - whether the generator is on or off.
  • frequency - the frequency of the oscillator.


#Speaker Source

data Speaker audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a loudspeaker.

  • audioUnit - the audio unit to play from the loudspeaker.


#SquareOsc Source

data SquareOsc frequency

Term-level constructor for a square-wave oscillator.

  • OnOff - whether the generator is on or off.
  • frequency - the frequency of the oscillator.


#StereoPanner Source

data StereoPanner pan audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a stereo panner.

  • pan - the amount of pan to apply, where -1.0 is fully to the left and 1.0 is fully to the right.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to pan.


#TriangleOsc Source

data TriangleOsc frequency

Term-level constructor for a triangle oscillator.

  • OnOff - whether the generator is on or off.
  • frequency - the frequency of the oscillator.


#WaveShaper Source

data WaveShaper (floatArray :: Symbol) oversample audioUnit

Term-level constructor for a WaveShaper, aka distortion.

  • floatArray - the shape of the distortion.
  • oversample - how much to oversample - none, 2x or 4x. Once set, this cannot change without destroying and remaking the audio unit.
  • audioUnit - the audio unit to which we apply distortion.


#OnOff Source

data OnOff

Term-level constructor for a generator being on or off



#OversampleNone Source

data OversampleNone

Type-level oversample none for a wave shaper. This is at the type-level and not the term-level via an ADT because we need make sure to construct an entirely new wave shaper if the value changes.


#OversampleTwoX Source

data OversampleTwoX

Type-level oversample 2x for a wave shaper. This is at the type-level and not the term-level via an ADT because we need make sure to construct an entirely new wave shaper if the value changes.


#OversampleFourX Source

data OversampleFourX

Type-level oversample 4x for a wave shaper. This is at the type-level and not the term-level via an ADT because we need make sure to construct an entirely new wave shaper if the value changes.
