- Package
- purescript-web3-generator
- Repository
- f-o-a-m/purescript-web3-generator
#ModuleImportsAcc Source
type ModuleImportsAcc = { imports :: Array String, types :: Map ModuleName IsCtrInImports }
#runImports Source
runImports :: Imports -> String
#generatePS Source
generatePS :: forall e. GeneratorOptions -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE, fs :: FS | e) Unit
#writeCodeFromAbi Source
writeCodeFromAbi :: forall e. GeneratorOptions -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Aff (fs :: FS | e) Unit
read in json abi and write the generated code to a destination file
#getAllDirectories Source
getAllDirectories :: forall m eff. MonadAff (fs :: FS | eff) m => MonadState FilePath m => m (Array FilePath)
#getJsonFilesInDirectory Source
getJsonFilesInDirectory :: forall m eff. MonadAff (fs :: FS | eff) m => MonadState FilePath m => m (Array FilePath)
get all files in a directory with a ".json" extension