- Package
- purescript-web3
- Repository
- f-o-a-m/purescript-web3
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types.BigNumber
#Radix Source
newtype Radix
The number of unique digits (including zero) used to represent integers in a specific base.
#Algebra Source
class (Ring r, Ring a, LeftModule a r, RightModule a r) <= Algebra a r where
embed :: r -> a
#unsafeToInt Source
unsafeToInt :: BigNumber -> Int
Unsafely coerce a BigNumber to an Int.
#toTwosComplement Source
toTwosComplement :: BigNumber -> BigNumber
Take the twos complement of a BigNumer
#parseBigNumber Source
parseBigNumber :: Radix -> String -> Maybe BigNumber
Convert a string in the given base to a BigNumber
#hexadecimal Source
hexadecimal :: Radix
The base-16 system.
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types.EtherUnit
#Value Source
newtype Value a
Ether value in denomination a
Eq (Value a)
Show (Value a)
Encode (Value a)
Encode (Value NoPay)
Decode (Value a)
(EtherUnitSpec a) => EtherUnit (Value a)
(EtherUnitSpec a) => Semigroup (Value a)
(EtherUnitSpec a) => Monoid (Value a)
(EtherUnitSpec a) => LeftModule (Value a) Int
#mkValue Source
mkValue :: forall a. EtherUnitSpec a => BigNumber -> Value a
Convert a big number into value, first using floor
function to take the integer part
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types.Sha3
#toSelector Source
toSelector :: String -> HexString
convert a string representing a type signature into a selector
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types.Types
#TransactionReceipt Source
newtype TransactionReceipt
TransactionReceipt { blockHash :: HexString, blockNumber :: BlockNumber, contractAddress :: NullOrUndefined Address, cumulativeGasUsed :: BigNumber, gasUsed :: BigNumber, logs :: Array Change, status :: String, transactionHash :: HexString, transactionIndex :: BigNumber }
#TransactionOptions Source
newtype TransactionOptions u
TransactionOptions { data :: NullOrUndefined HexString, from :: NullOrUndefined Address, gas :: NullOrUndefined BigNumber, gasPrice :: NullOrUndefined BigNumber, nonce :: NullOrUndefined BigNumber, to :: NullOrUndefined Address, value :: NullOrUndefined (Value u) }
Generic (TransactionOptions u) _
Newtype (TransactionOptions u) _
Eq (TransactionOptions u)
Show (TransactionOptions u)
Encode (TransactionOptions u)
#Transaction Source
newtype Transaction
Transaction { blockHash :: HexString, blockNumber :: BlockNumber, from :: Address, gas :: BigNumber, gasPrice :: BigNumber, hash :: HexString, input :: HexString, nonce :: BigNumber, to :: NullOrUndefined Address, transactionIndex :: BigNumber, value :: Value Wei }
#SyncStatus Source
newtype SyncStatus
SyncStatus { currentBlock :: BigNumber, highestBlock :: BigNumber, startingBlock :: BigNumber }
#MethodName Source
type MethodName = String
Web3 RPC
#FalseOrObject Source
newtype FalseOrObject a
Newtype wrapper around Maybe
to handle cases where Web3 passes back
either false
or some data type
FalseOrObject (Maybe a)
Newtype (FalseOrObject a) _
(Eq a) => Eq (FalseOrObject a)
(Ord a) => Ord (FalseOrObject a)
Generic (FalseOrObject a) _
(Show a) => Show (FalseOrObject a)
(Decode a) => Decode (FalseOrObject a)
#EventAction Source
data EventAction
EventAction Represents a flag to continue or discontinue listening to the filter
#Change Source
newtype Change
Changes pulled by low-level call 'eth_getFilterChanges', 'eth_getLogs', and 'eth_getFilterLogs'
Change { address :: Address, blockHash :: HexString, blockNumber :: BlockNumber, data :: HexString, logIndex :: HexString, topics :: Array HexString, transactionHash :: HexString, transactionIndex :: HexString }
#ChainCursor Source
data ChainCursor
Refers to a particular block time, used when making calls, transactions, or watching for events.
#BlockNumber Source
#Block Source
newtype Block
Block { difficulty :: BigNumber, extraData :: HexString, gasLimit :: BigNumber, gasUsed :: BigNumber, hash :: HexString, logsBloom :: HexString, miner :: HexString, nonce :: HexString, number :: BigNumber, parentHash :: HexString, receiptsRoot :: HexString, sha3Uncles :: HexString, size :: BigNumber, stateRoot :: HexString, timestamp :: BigNumber, totalDifficulty :: BigNumber, transactions :: Array HexString, transactionsRoot :: HexString, uncles :: Array HexString }
Re-exports from Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types.Utils
#toHexString Source
toHexString :: BigNumber -> HexString
#padRightSigned Source
padRightSigned :: Signed HexString -> HexString
Pad a Signed HexString
on the right until it has length 0 mod 64.
#padLeftSigned Source
padLeftSigned :: Signed HexString -> HexString
Pad a Signed HexString
on the left until it has length == 0 mod 64.
#getPadLength Source
getPadLength :: Int -> Int
Computes the number of 0s needed to pad a bytestring of the input length
#fromHexString Source
fromHexString :: HexString -> BigNumber
- Modules
- Network.
Ethereum. Web3 - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Api - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Contract - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Contract. Internal - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. JsonRPC - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. AbiEncoding - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Bytes - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. EncodingType - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Event - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Generic - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Int - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Size - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Tuple - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. UInt - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Solidity. Vector - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. BigNumber - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. EtherUnit - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Provider - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Sha3 - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Types - Network.
Ethereum. Web3. Types. Utils