


#web3_clientVersion Source

web3_clientVersion :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => Web3 p e String

Returns current node version string.

#eth_getBalance Source

eth_getBalance :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => Address -> CallMode -> Web3 p e BigNumber

Returns the balance of the account of given address.

#eth_getBlockByNumber Source

eth_getBlockByNumber :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => CallMode -> Web3 p e Block

Returns information about a block by number.

#eth_getBlockByHash Source

eth_getBlockByHash :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => HexString -> Web3 p e Block

Returns information about a block by hash.

#eth_getTransaction Source

eth_getTransaction :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => HexString -> Web3 p e Transaction

Returns information about a transaction by hash.

#eth_call Source

eth_call :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => TransactionOptions -> CallMode -> Web3 p e HexString

Call a function on a particular block's state root.

#eth_sendTransaction Source

eth_sendTransaction :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => TransactionOptions -> Web3 p e HexString

Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation, if the data field contains code.

#eth_getAccounts Source

eth_getAccounts :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => Web3 p e (Array Address)

Get all account addresses registered at the Provider

#eth_newFilter Source

eth_newFilter :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => Filter -> Web3 p e FilterId

Creates a filter object, based on filter options, to notify when the state changes (logs). To check if the state has changed, call 'eth_getFilterChanges'.

#eth_getFilterChanges Source

eth_getFilterChanges :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => FilterId -> Web3 p e (Array Change)

Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of logs which occurred since last poll.

#eth_uninstallFilter Source

eth_uninstallFilter :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => FilterId -> Web3 p e Boolean

Uninstalls a filter with given id. Should always be called when watch is no longer needed.

#net_version Source

net_version :: forall e p. IsAsyncProvider p => Web3 p e BigNumber

Get the network id that the node is listening to.