- Package
- purescript-whine-core
- Repository
- collegevine/purescript-whine
#runWhineAndPrintResultsAndExit Source
runWhineAndPrintResultsAndExit :: RuleFactories -> Effect Unit
The main entry point into the linter. It takes some basic parameters and runs the whole thing: reads the config, parses it, instantiates the rules, globs the input files, parses them, and runs the rules through every file.
#runWhine Source
runWhine :: forall m. MonadEffect m => { configFile :: FilePath, env :: Env, factories :: RuleFactories, globs :: Maybe (NonEmptyArray NonEmptyString) } -> m (Violations (WithRule + WithMuted + WithFile + ()))
The main entry point into the linter. It takes some basic parameters and runs the whole thing: reads the config, parses it, instantiates the rules, globs the input files, parses them, and runs the rules through every file.
- Modules
- Vscode.
Client - Vscode.
Client. Configuration - Vscode.
Client. Executable - Vscode.
Client. FileSystemWatcher - Vscode.
Client. Workspace - Vscode.
Context - Vscode.
Events - Vscode.
Server. Capabilities - Vscode.
Server. Connection - Vscode.
Server. Diagnostic - Vscode.
Server. TextDocuments - Whine
- Whine.
Core. CaseBranchIndentation - Whine.
Core. CommaFirstArrays - Whine.
Core. UndesirableModules - Whine.
Core. WhineRules - Whine.
Log - Whine.
Muting - Whine.
Prelude - Whine.
Print - Whine.
Runner - Whine.
Runner. Cli - Whine.
Runner. Config - Whine.
Runner. FS - Whine.
Runner. Glob - Whine.
Runner. LanguageServer - Whine.
Runner. PackageVersion - Whine.
Runner. Prelude - Whine.
Runner. Yaml - Whine.
Test - Whine.
Types - WhineM