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renderAudio :: Array (Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

Render audio from an array of audio rendering instructions. This is conceptually the same as taking Array Effect Unit -> Effect Unit and doing map fold <<< sequence. The reason this version is used is because it is ~2x more computationally efficient, which is important in order to be able to hit audio deadlines.

P purescript-wags M WAGS.Interpret
sequenceEffects :: Array (Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
P purescript-specular M Specular.Internal.Effect
resolve :: forall m. Monad m => Foldable m => m (Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
P purescript-assert-multiple M Test.Assert.Multiple
debugShow :: forall a. Show a => a -> Effect Unit

Write an debug value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String.

P purescript-console M Effect.Console
errorShow :: forall a. Show a => a -> Effect Unit

Write an error value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String.

P purescript-console M Effect.Console
infoShow :: forall a. Show a => a -> Effect Unit

Write an info value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String.

P purescript-console M Effect.Console
logShow :: forall a. Show a => a -> Effect Unit

Write a value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String.

P purescript-console M Effect.Console
warnShow :: forall a. Show a => a -> Effect Unit

Write an warning value to the console, using its Show instance to produce a String.

P purescript-console M Effect.Console
eval :: forall a. Eval a => a -> Effect Unit
P purescript-psci-support M PSCI.Support
quickCheck :: forall prop. Testable prop => prop -> Effect Unit

Test a property.

This function generates a new random seed, runs 100 tests and prints the test results to the console.

P purescript-quickcheck M Test.QuickCheck
log :: forall a. a -> Effect Unit
P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Console
preventDefault :: forall e. IsEvent e => e -> Effect Unit

Prevents the default action from being executed after propagation

P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
propagationStopped :: forall e. IsEvent e => e -> Effect Unit

Whether propagation has been stopped

P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
remove :: forall n. IsChild n => n -> Effect Unit

Unhook the current node from its parent

P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Child
stopImmediatePropagation :: forall e. IsEvent e => e -> Effect Unit

Stops immediate propagation of the event

P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
stopPropagation :: forall e. IsEvent e => e -> Effect Unit

Stops propagation of the event

P purescript-dom-simple M DOM.Simple.Event
cork :: forall writable. Writable writable => writable -> Effect Unit
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Writable
defaultCork :: forall writable. writable -> Effect Unit
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Writable
defaultUncork :: forall writable. writable -> Effect Unit
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Writable
dispose :: forall a. Dispose a => a -> Effect Unit
P purescript-xterm M XTerm.Disposable
uncork :: forall writable. Writable writable => writable -> Effect Unit
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Writable
unpipe_ :: forall readable. Readable readable => readable -> Effect Unit
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Readable
cancelWaitAfter_ :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Tool.Methods
clear_ :: forall d. IsDiagram d => IsDiagram d => d -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Diagram.Methods
clear_ :: forall m nodeData. IsModel (m nodeData) => m nodeData -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Model.Methods
clearAdornments_ :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.GraphObject.Panel.Part.Methods
clearHighlighteds_ :: forall d. IsDiagram d => IsDiagram d => d -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Diagram.Methods
cloneProtected_ :: forall m nodeData. IsModel (m nodeData) => m nodeData -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Model.Methods
collapseTree_ :: forall n. IsNode n => n -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.GraphObject.Panel.Part.Node.Methods
commit_ :: forall _l _n e _v. LayoutNetwork _l _n e _v => e -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Layout.LayoutEdge.Methods
commit_ :: forall _l _n _e v. LayoutNetwork _l _n _e v => v -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Layout.LayoutVertex.Methods
commitLayout_ :: forall l. IsLayout l => l -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Diagram.Layout.Methods
deleteArtificialVertexes_ :: forall _l n _e _v. LayoutNetwork _l n _e _v => n -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Layout.LayoutNetwork.Methods
deleteSelfEdges_ :: forall _l n _e _v. LayoutNetwork _l n _e _v => n -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Layout.LayoutNetwork.Methods
destroy :: forall a. GameObject a => a -> Effect Unit
P purescript-phaser M Graphics.Phaser.GameObject
destroy_ :: forall message. IncomingMessage message => message -> Effect Unit
P purescript-idiomatic-node-http M Node.Http.IncomingMessage
doActivate_ :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Tool.Methods
doCancel_ :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Tool.Methods
doDeactivate_ :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Tool.Methods
doStart_ :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Tool.Methods
doStop_ :: forall t. IsTool t => t -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Tool.Methods
endTransformFeedback :: forall c. IsWebGL2RenderingContext c => c -> Effect Unit

Usage: endTransformFeedback gl

void endTransformFeedback();

Documentation: WebGL 2.0 spec, section 3.7.15

P purescript-webgl2-raw M WebGL.Raw.WebGL2.WebGLTransformFeedback
ensureBounds_ :: forall d. IsDiagram d => IsDiagram d => d -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Diagram.Methods
ensureBounds_ :: forall p. IsPart p => p -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.GraphObject.Panel.Part.Methods
expandTree_ :: forall n. IsNode n => n -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.GraphObject.Panel.Part.Node.Methods
ffilog :: forall a. a -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Debug
finish :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect Unit

Usage: finish gl

void finish();

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11

P purescript-webgl2-raw M WebGL.Raw.WebGL1.WebGLRenderingContext
flush :: forall c. IsWebGLRenderingContext c => c -> Effect Unit

Usage: flush gl

void flush();

Documentation: WebGL 1.0 spec, section 5.14.11

P purescript-webgl2-raw M WebGL.Raw.WebGL1.WebGLRenderingContext
focus_ :: forall d. IsDiagram d => IsDiagram d => d -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Diagram.Methods
invalidateLayout_ :: forall l. IsLayout l => l -> Effect Unit
P purescript-gojs M GoJS.Diagram.Layout.Methods