Search results
fix :: forall l. Lazy l => (l -> l) -> l
defines a value as the fixed point of a function.
The Lazy
instance allows us to generate the result lazily.
fix :: forall i o. (Emitter i -> { input :: Emitter i, output :: Emitter o }) -> Emitter o
Compute a fixed point.
fix :: forall i. (Event i -> Event i) -> Event i
Compute a fixed point
fix :: forall event i. IsEvent event => (event i -> event i) -> event i
fix :: forall m a b. (Codec' m a b -> Codec' m a b) -> Codec' m a b
fix :: forall o i. (Event i -> { input :: Event i, output :: Event o }) -> Event o
Compute a fixed point
fix :: forall event o i. IsEvent event => (event i -> { input :: event i, output :: event o }) -> event o
fix :: forall a. (JsonCodec a -> JsonCodec a) -> JsonCodec a
Helper function for defining recursive codecs in situations where the codec definition causes a "The value of <codec> is undefined here" error.
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Common as CAC
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Profunctor (wrapIso)
newtype IntList = IntList { cell ∷ Int, rest ∷ Maybe IntList }
derive instance newtypeLoopyList ∷ Newtype IntList _
codecIntList ∷ CA.JsonCodec IntList
codecIntList =
CA.fix \codec →
wrapIso IntList $
CAR.object "IntList" { cell:, rest: CAC.maybe codec }
fix :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a
Fixed point Y combinator
Λ a . (a → a) → a
λ f . (λ x. f (x x)) (λ x . f (x x))
fix :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a
Fix :: forall f a. (f (Fix f) a) -> Fix f a
fix :: forall outputChannels payload. (Audible outputChannels payload -> Audible outputChannels payload) -> Audible outputChannels payload
fix :: forall r a u. (Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a r) -> Pattern u a r
fiX :: ReactIcon
fix :: forall i eff. EventQueue (Eff (QueueEffects eff)) i i -> Eff (QueueEffects eff) (EventQueueInstance (Eff (QueueEffects eff)) i)
Creates an EventQueue that can feed back into itself.
fixB :: forall event a. Pollable event event => IsEvent event => a -> (APoll event a -> APoll event a) -> APoll event a
Compute a fixed point
fixB :: forall a. a -> (ABehavior Event a -> ABehavior Event a) -> ABehavior Event a
Compute a fixed point
fixed :: Int -> Format
Create a toFixed
-based format from an integer. Values smaller than 0
and larger than 20
will be clamped.
fixed :: Position
fixed :: CompressionStrategy
fixed :: forall logic obj. Array (Entity logic obj) -> Entity logic obj
fixed :: StyleProperty
fixed :: forall lock payload. Array (Domable lock payload) -> Domable lock payload
Once upon a time, this function was used to create a list of Domable
-s that are merged
together. Now, as Domable
is a Monoid
, you can use fold
A fixed point representation of a real number, with the specified precision.
A value is multiplied by the precision, truncated and stored as a big integer. That is, we approximate the number by numerator/10^precision, storing only the numerator, and carrying the precision around as type information.
The Semiring
and associated instances allow us to perform basic arithmetic
operations. Unlike Number
, addition of Fixed
numbers does satisfy the
associativity law, but like Number
, most of the other laws of the
numeric hierarchy classes are not satisfied due to rounding errors.
fixed :: Proxy @Symbol "fixed"
fixed :: Option Tooltip (Options Fixed)
Fixed :: Area -> WindowMode
fixed :: Fixed
fixed :: StringConst "fixed"
Fixed :: PartType
fixDyn :: forall m a b. MonadFRP m => (WeakDynamic a -> m (Tuple (Dynamic a) b)) -> m b
fixFRP :: forall input output m b. FixFRP input output => MonadFRP m => (input -> m (Tuple output b)) -> m b
Fixity :: { associativity :: Associativity, precedence :: Precedence } -> Fixity
fixNat :: Int -> Permutation -> Maybe Int
fixPure :: forall a. ((Unit -> a) -> a) -> a
fixFRP_ :: forall input output m. FixFRP input output => MonadFRP m => (input -> m output) -> m Unit
fixture :: String -> CypressM Foreign
fixedsym :: SProxy "fixed"
fixedTop :: ClassName
fixedTop :: ClassName