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fix :: forall l. Lazy l => (l -> l) -> l

fix defines a value as the fixed point of a function.

The Lazy instance allows us to generate the result lazily.

P purescript-control M Control.Lazy
fix :: forall i o. (Emitter i -> { input :: Emitter i, output :: Emitter o }) -> Emitter o

Compute a fixed point.

P purescript-halogen-subscriptions M Halogen.Subscription
fix :: forall i. (Event i -> Event i) -> Event i

Compute a fixed point

P purescript-hyrule M FRP.Event
fix :: forall event i. IsEvent event => (event i -> event i) -> event i
P purescript-hyrule M FRP.Event.Class
fix :: forall m a b. (Codec' m a b -> Codec' m a b) -> Codec' m a b
P purescript-codec M Data.Codec
fix :: forall o i. (Event i -> { input :: Event i, output :: Event o }) -> Event o

Compute a fixed point

P purescript-event M FRP.Event
fix :: forall event o i. IsEvent event => (event i -> { input :: event i, output :: event o }) -> event o
P purescript-event M FRP.Event.Class
fix :: forall a. (JsonCodec a -> JsonCodec a) -> JsonCodec a

Helper function for defining recursive codecs in situations where the codec definition causes a "The value of <codec> is undefined here" error.

import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Common as CAC
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Profunctor (wrapIso)

newtype IntList = IntList { cell ∷ Int, rest ∷ Maybe IntList }

derive instance newtypeLoopyList ∷ Newtype IntList _

codecIntList ∷ CA.JsonCodec IntList
codecIntList =
  CA.fix \codec →
    wrapIso IntList $
      CAR.object "IntList" { cell:, rest: CAC.maybe codec }
P purescript-codec-argonaut M Data.Codec.Argonaut
fix :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a

Fixed point Y combinator

Λ a . (a → a) → a

λ f . (λ x. f (x x)) (λ x . f (x x))

P purescript-birds M Aviary.Birds
fix :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a
P purescript-combinators M Data.Combinators
P purescript-fix-functor M FixFunctor
Fix :: forall f a. (f (Fix f) a) -> Fix f a
P purescript-fix-functor M FixFunctor
fix :: forall outputChannels payload. (Audible outputChannels payload -> Audible outputChannels payload) -> Audible outputChannels payload
P purescript-ocarina M Ocarina.Control
fix :: forall r a u. (Pattern u a r -> Pattern u a r) -> Pattern u a r
P purescript-pattern-arrows M Text.Pretty.PatternArrows
fiX :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Fi
fix :: forall i eff. EventQueue (Eff (QueueEffects eff)) i i -> Eff (QueueEffects eff) (EventQueueInstance (Eff (QueueEffects eff)) i)

Creates an EventQueue that can feed back into itself.

P purescript-spork M Spork.EventQueue
P purescript-tldr M TLDR.Combinators
fixB :: forall event a. Pollable event event => IsEvent event => a -> (APoll event a -> APoll event a) -> APoll event a

Compute a fixed point

P purescript-hyrule M FRP.Poll
fixB :: forall a. a -> (ABehavior Event a -> ABehavior Event a) -> ABehavior Event a

Compute a fixed point

P purescript-behaviors M FRP.Behavior
fixed :: Int -> Format

Create a toFixed-based format from an integer. Values smaller than 0 and larger than 20 will be clamped.

P purescript-numbers M Data.Number.Format
fixed :: Position
P purescript-css M CSS.Display
fixed :: CompressionStrategy
P purescript-node-zlib M Node.Zlib.Z
fixed :: forall logic obj. Array (Entity logic obj) -> Entity logic obj
P purescript-bolson M Bolson.Core
fixed :: StyleProperty
P purescript-react-basic-emotion M React.Basic.Emotion
fixed :: forall lock payload. Array (Domable lock payload) -> Domable lock payload

Once upon a time, this function was used to create a list of Domable-s that are merged together. Now, as Domable is a Monoid, you can use fold instead.

P purescript-deku M Deku.Core

A fixed point representation of a real number, with the specified precision.

A value is multiplied by the precision, truncated and stored as a big integer. That is, we approximate the number by numerator/10^precision, storing only the numerator, and carrying the precision around as type information.

The Semiring and associated instances allow us to perform basic arithmetic operations. Unlike Number, addition of Fixed numbers does satisfy the associativity law, but like Number, most of the other laws of the numeric hierarchy classes are not satisfied due to rounding errors.

P purescript-fixed-precision M Data.Fixed
P purescript-tecton M Tecton.Internal
fixed :: Proxy @Symbol "fixed"
P purescript-tecton M Tecton.Internal
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.Tooltip.Fixed
fixed :: Option Tooltip (Options Fixed)
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.Tooltip.Fixed
Fixed :: Area -> WindowMode
P purescript-gesso M Gesso.Application
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Overriden
fixed :: Fixed
P purescript-materialize M Materialize.Overriden
fixed :: StringConst "fixed"
P purescript-react-mui M MaterialUI.Enums
Fixed :: PartType
P purescript-rmrk-parser M RMRK.Primitives.Part
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Types
fixDyn :: forall m a b. MonadFRP m => (WeakDynamic a -> m (Tuple (Dynamic a) b)) -> m b
P purescript-specular M Specular.FRP.Fix
P purescript-specular M Specular.FRP.Fix
fixFRP :: forall input output m b. FixFRP input output => MonadFRP m => (input -> m (Tuple output b)) -> m b
P purescript-specular M Specular.FRP.Fix
P purescript-language-purescript M Language.PureScript.AST.Operators
Fixity :: { associativity :: Associativity, precedence :: Precedence } -> Fixity
P purescript-language-purescript M Language.PureScript.AST.Operators
P purescript-ps-cst M Language.PS.CST.Types.Leafs
fixNat :: Int -> Permutation -> Maybe Int
P permutations M Data.Permutation
fixPure :: forall a. ((Unit -> a) -> a) -> a
P purescript-concur-core M Control.MonadFix
fixFRP_ :: forall input output m. FixFRP input output => MonadFRP m => (input -> m output) -> m Unit
P purescript-specular M Specular.FRP.Fix
fixture :: String -> CypressM Foreign
P purescript-cypress M Cypress.Actions
P purescript-language-cst-parser M PureScript.CST.Types
fixedsym :: SProxy "fixed"
P purescript-rmrk-parser M RMRK.Primitives.Part
fixedTop :: ClassName
P purescript-css-frameworks M CSSFrameworks.Bootstrap
fixedTop :: ClassName
P purescript-halogen-bootstrap4 M Halogen.Themes.Bootstrap4