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catMaybes :: forall a. Array (Maybe a) -> Array a

Filter an array of optional values, keeping only the elements which contain a value, creating a new array.

catMaybes [Nothing, Just 2, Nothing, Just 4] = [2, 4]
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array
untilJust :: forall a m. MonadRec m => m (Maybe a) -> m a

Supplied computation will be executed repeatedly until it evaluates to Just value and then that value will be returned.

P purescript-tailrec M Control.Monad.Rec.Class
whileJust :: forall a m. Monoid a => MonadRec m => m (Maybe a) -> m a

While supplied computation evaluates to Just _, it will be executed repeatedly and results will be combined using monoid instance.

P purescript-tailrec M Control.Monad.Rec.Class
init :: forall a. Partial => Array a -> Array a

Get all but the last element of a non-empty array.

Running time: O(n), where n is the length of the array.

P purescript-arrays M Data.Array.Partial
nub :: forall a. Ord a => Array a -> Array a

Remove the duplicates from an array, creating a new array.

nub [1, 2, 1, 3, 3] = [1, 2, 3]
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array
nubEq :: forall a. Eq a => Array a -> Array a

Remove the duplicates from an array, creating a new array.

This less efficient version of nub only requires an Eq instance.

nubEq [1, 2, 1, 3, 3] = [1, 2, 3]
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array
reverse :: forall a. Array a -> Array a

Reverse an array, creating a new array.

reverse [] = []
reverse [1, 2, 3] = [3, 2, 1]
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array
sort :: forall a. Ord a => Array a -> Array a

Sort the elements of an array in increasing order, creating a new array. Sorting is stable: the order of equal elements is preserved.

sort [2, -3, 1] = [-3, 1, 2]
P purescript-arrays M Data.Array
tail :: forall a. Partial => Array a -> Array a

Get all but the first element of a non-empty array.

Running time: O(n), where n is the length of the array.

P purescript-arrays M Data.Array.Partial
filtered :: forall m a. MonadRec m => MonadGen m => m (Maybe a) -> m a

Creates a generator that repeatedly run another generator until it produces Just node. This will never halt if the input generator always produces Nothing.

P purescript-gen M Control.Monad.Gen
compact :: forall f a. Compactable f => f (Maybe a) -> f a
P purescript-filterable M Data.Compactable
compactDefault :: forall f a. Functor f => Compactable f => f (Maybe a) -> f a
P purescript-filterable M Data.Compactable
nubHash :: forall a. Hashable a => Array a -> Array a

Remove duplicates from an array.

Like nub from Data.Array, but uses a Hashable constraint instead of an Ord constraint.

P purescript-unordered-collections M Data.HashMap
a_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a hyperlink [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
a_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Creates a hyperlink element [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
abbr_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines an abbreviation [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
address_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
altGlyph_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines an alternative representation of a glyph in a font [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
altGlyphDef_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a set of glyph substitutions for an altGlyph element [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
altGlyphItem_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a substitution for a specific glyph in an altGlyphDef element [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
article_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines self-contained content, like blog posts or news articles [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
aside_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines content aside from the content it is placed in [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
audio_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines sound content, like music or other audio streams [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
b_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines bold text [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
bdi_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines text directionality for its children [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
bdo_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines text directionality [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
blockquote_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a section that is quoted from another source [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
body_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines the document's body [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
button_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a clickable button [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
canvas_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines an area that can be used to draw graphics using JavaScript [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
caption_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a table caption [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
cite_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines the title of a work [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
clipPath_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a clipping path for an SVG element [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
code_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a piece of computer code [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
colgroup_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines attributes for a group of table columns [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
colorProfile_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a color profile for an SVG document [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
data__ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines machine-readable data [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
datalist_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a list of pre-defined options for input controls [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
dd_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a description/value of a term in a description list [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
defs_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a set of reusable SVG elements [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
del_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines text that has been deleted from a document [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
desc_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a description of an SVG element [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements
details_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines additional details that the user can view or hide [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
dfn_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a definition term [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
dialog_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a dialog box or window [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
div_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a section of a document [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
dl_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a description list [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
dt_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines a term in a description list [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
em_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Defines emphasized text [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Elements
feMerge_ :: forall html a. Html html => Array (html a) -> html a

Merges multiple input images together [No Attributes]

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.SVG.Elements