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pi :: Number

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, around 3.14159.

P purescript-math M Math
pi :: Number

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

> pi
P purescript-numbers M Data.Number
pi :: Decimal

Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

P purescript-decimals M Data.Decimal
pi :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Permutation

Permutation from a swap.

P permutations M Data.Permutation
Pi :: NumberConstant
P purescript-math-equation M Math.Equation
pi :: Quantity
P purescript-quantities M Data.Quantity.Math

A process ID.

P purescript-posix-types M Data.Posix
Pid :: Int -> Pid
P purescript-posix-types M Data.Posix
pid :: Pid

Returns the PID of the current process.

P purescript-node-process M Node.Process
pid :: ChildProcess -> Effect (Maybe Pid)

The process ID of a child process. This will be Nothing until the process has spawned. Note that if the process has already exited, another process may have taken the same ID, so be careful!

P purescript-node-child-process M Node.ChildProcess
pid :: UnsafeChildProcess -> Effect (Maybe Pid)

The process ID of a child process. Note that if the process has already exited, another process may have taken the same ID, so be careful!

P purescript-node-child-process M Node.UnsafeChildProcess.Safe
pie :: forall m i. Monad m => (CommandsT PieSeriesI m) ~> (CommandsT (pie :: I | i) m)
P purescript-echarts M ECharts.Commands
Pin :: Symbol
P purescript-echarts M ECharts.Types
pid :: forall e. Eff (phantomjs :: PHANTOMJS | e) Int

The PID (Process ID) for the currently executing PhantomJS process.

P purescript-phantom M PhantomJS.System
Pie :: ChartType
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.Common
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.PlotOptions.Pie
pie :: Option PlotOptions (Options Pie)
P purescript-apexcharts M Apexcharts.PlotOptions.Pie
pie :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
Pie :: ChartType
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Charts.ChartType
Pie :: ShapeType
P purescript-google-apps M Data.Google.Apps.Slides.ShapeType
pie :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
pie :: forall attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_pie => Record attrs -> JSX
P purescript-recharts M Recharts
pig :: Emoji


P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pig :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
P purescript-elasticsearch M Database.ElasticSearch.Search
pit :: Cast Pit
P purescript-elasticsearch M Database.ElasticSearch.Search
piX :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pipe :: forall w r. Readable w -> Writable r -> Effect Unit

Read chunks from a readable stream and write them to a writable stream.

P purescript-node-streams M Node.Stream
P purescript-pipes M Pipes.Core
ping :: String -> Attribute
P purescript-smolder M Text.Smolder.HTML.Attributes
pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b
P purescript-record-extra M Record.Extra
pipe :: StdIO

When used for X, then Y will exist on the child process where X and Y are

  • stdio[0] - stdin
  • stdio[1] - stdout
  • stdio[2] - stderr

Note: when used with stdin, piping the parent stdin to this stream will not cause the child process to terminate when that parent stdin stream ends via Ctrl+D user input. Rather, the child process will hang until the parent process calls Stream.end on the child process' stdin stream. Since it's impossible to know when the user inputs Ctrl+D, inherit should be used instead.

P purescript-node-child-process M Node.ChildProcess.Types
ping :: forall state. String -> VNode state -> VNode state
P purescript-freedom M Freedom.Markup.Prop
ping :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a space-separated list of URLs to which, when the hyperlink is followed, POST requests with the body PING will be sent by the browser (in the background). Typically used for tracking.

P purescript-chameleon M Chameleon.HTML.Attributes
P purescript-express M Node.Express.Types
pick :: forall r2 rx r1. Union r2 rx r1 => Record r1 -> Record r2
P purescript-classless M Classless
ping :: String -> VNode -> VNode
P purescript-grain M Grain.Markup.Prop
P purescript-deku M Deku.DOM.Attr.Ping
Ping :: Ping
P purescript-deku M Deku.DOM.Attr.Ping
pipe :: forall readable writable. Readable readable => Writable writable => writable -> Boolean -> readable -> Effect writable
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Readable
pipe :: forall readable writable. Writable writable => Readable readable => Event writable (readable -> Effect Unit)
P purescript-idiomatic-node-stream M Node.Stream.Writable.Events
piAt :: ReactIcon
P purescript-react-icons M React.Icons.Pi
pick :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Maybe { no :: Array a, yes :: a }

Find an element by a predicate and return it together with the array without the element.

pick (_ == 2) [1,2,3] == Just {yes: 2, no: [1,3]}
P purescript-arrays-extra M Data.Array.Extra.First
pick :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> Array a -> Maybe { no :: Array a, yes :: a }

Find an element by a predicate and return it together with the array without the element.

pick (_ == 2) [1,2,3] == Just {yes: 2, no: [1,3]}
P purescript-arrays-extra M Data.Array.Extra.Last
pick :: Emoji

P purescript-emo8 M Emo8.Data.Emoji
pick :: forall a b. Project a b => a -> b
P purescript-interactive-data M InteractiveData.Core.Util.RecordProjection
pick :: forall (input :: Type) (err :: Type) (output :: Type) (chosen :: Type) (sym :: Symbol) (tlist :: TList). ParseSymbol sym tlist => ConstructBarlow tlist (Forget chosen) input input chosen chosen => Proxy sym -> (chosen -> V (NonEmptyArray err) output) -> PickE input err output
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Core
P purescript-morello M Morello.Morello.Simple
pick :: Emoji
P purescript-nemo M Nemo.Data.Emoji
pick :: forall a r b l. Union b r a => RowToList b l => Keys l => Record a -> Record b
P purescript-record-extra-srghma M Record.ExtraSrghma.Keys