


#IsAttribVariantRL Source

class IsAttribVariantRL :: RowList Type -> Row Type -> Constraintclass IsAttribVariantRL rl r  where



#accept Source

accept :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the types of files that the server accepts (only for type="file")

#acceptCharset Source

acceptCharset :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the character encodings that are to be used for the form submission

#accesskey Source

accesskey :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a shortcut key to activate/focus an element

#action Source

action :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies where to send the form-data when a form is submitted

#align Source

align :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Not supported in HTML5. Specifies the alignment according to surrounding elements. Use CSS instead

#allow Source

allow :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a feature-policy for the iframe

#alt Source

alt :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies an alternate text when the original element fails to display

#async Source

async :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the script is executed asynchronously (only for external scripts)

#autocapitalize Source

autocapitalize :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Controls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user

#autocomplete Source

autocomplete :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies whether the <form> or the <input> element should have autocomplete enabled

#autofocus Source

autofocus :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the element should automatically get focus when the page loads

#autoplay Source

autoplay :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the audio/video will start playing as soon as it is ready

#background Source

background :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Not supported in HTML5. Specifies the URL of an image to be used as the background for the iframe

#capture Source

capture :: forall a. Variant (environment :: Unit, user :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies that the video/audio will be recorded (instead of a live stream)

#charset Source

charset :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the character encoding

#checked Source

checked :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that an <input> element should be pre-selected when the page loads (for type="checkbox" or type="radio")

#cite Source

cite :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a URL which explains the quote/deleted/inserted text

#className Source

className :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies one or more classnames for an element (refers to a class in a style sheet)

#code Source

code :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Not supported in HTML5. Specifies the URL of the plugin used to display the <object>

#codebase Source

codebase :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Not supported in HTML5. Specifies the URL of the plugin used to display the <object>

#cols Source

cols :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the visible width of a text area

#colspan Source

colspan :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the number of columns a table cell should span

#content Source

content :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Gives the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute

#contenteditable Source

contenteditable :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies whether the content of an element is editable or not

#contextmenu Source

contextmenu :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a context menu for an element. The context menu appears when a user right-clicks on the element

#controls Source

controls :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that audio/video controls should be displayed (such as a play/pause button etc)

#coords Source

coords :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the coordinates of the area

#crossorigin Source

crossorigin :: forall a. Variant (anonymous :: Unit, "use-credentials" :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies how the element handles cross-origin requests

#data_ Source

data_ :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the URL of the resource to be used by the object

#datetime Source

datetime :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the date and time

#decoding Source

decoding :: forall a. Variant (async :: Unit, auto :: Unit, sync :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies the decoding algorithm

#default Source

default :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the track is to be enabled if the user's preferences do not indicate that another track would be more appropriate

#defer Source

defer :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the script is executed when the page has finished parsing (only for external scripts)

#dir Source

dir :: forall a. Variant (auto :: Unit, ltr :: Unit, rtl :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies the text direction for the content in an element

#dirname Source

dirname :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies that the text direction will be submitted

#disabled Source

disabled :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the specified element/group of elements should be disabled

#download Source

download :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the target will be downloaded when a user clicks on the hyperlink

#draggable Source

draggable :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies whether an element is draggable or not

#enctype Source

enctype :: forall a. Variant ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" :: Unit, "multipart/form-data" :: Unit, "text/plain" :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server (only for method="post")

#enterkeyhint Source

enterkeyhint :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies what action to take when the user hits the Enter key

#for Source

for :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies which form element(s) a label/calculation is bound to

#form Source

form :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies one or more forms the <input> element belongs to

#formaction Source

formaction :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies where to send the form-data when a form is submitted. Only for type="submit"

#formenctype Source

formenctype :: forall a. Variant ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" :: Unit, "multipart/form-data" :: Unit, "text/plain" :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies how form-data should be encoded before sending it to a server. Only for type="submit"

#formmethod Source

formmethod :: forall a. Variant (get :: Unit, post :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies how to send the form-data (which HTTP method to use). Only for type="submit"

#formnovalidate Source

formnovalidate :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the form-data should not be validated on submission. Only for type="submit"

#formtarget Source

formtarget :: forall a. Variant (_blank :: Unit, _parent :: Unit, _self :: Unit, _top :: Unit, framename :: String) -> Prop a

Specifies where to display the response after submitting the form. Only for type="submit"

#headers Source

headers :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies one or more headers cells a cell is related to

#hidden Source

hidden :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that an element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant

#high Source

high :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the range that is considered to be a high value

#href Source

href :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the URL of the page the link goes to

#hreflang Source

hreflang :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the language of the linked document

#httpEquiv Source

httpEquiv :: forall a. Variant ("content-type" :: Unit, "default-style" :: Unit, refresh :: Unit) -> Prop a

Provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute

#id Source

id :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a unique id for an element

#integrity Source

integrity :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the integrity content security policy (CSP) for the resource

#inputmode Source

inputmode :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies what kind of input mechanism would be most helpful for users entering content into the element

#ismap Source

ismap :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies an image as a server-side image-map

#itemprop Source

itemprop :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the name of the property the element represents

#keytype Source

keytype :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the type of key generated

#kind Source

kind :: forall a. Variant (captions :: Unit, chapters :: Unit, descriptions :: Unit, metadata :: Unit, subtitles :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies the kind of text track

#label Source

label :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the title of the text track

#lang Source

lang :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the language of the element's content

#loading Source

loading :: forall a. Variant (auto :: Unit, eager :: Unit, lazy :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies how the element handles lazy loading of images

#list Source

list :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Refers to a <datalist> element that contains pre-defined options for an <input> element

#loop Source

loop :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the audio/video will start over again, every time it is finished

#low Source

low :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the range that is considered to be a low value

#max Source

max :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the maximum value

#maxlength Source

maxlength :: forall a. Int -> Prop a

Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in an element

#minlength Source

minlength :: forall a. Int -> Prop a

Specifies the minimum number of characters allowed in an element

#media Source

media :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies what media/device the linked document is optimized for

#method Source

method :: forall a. Variant (get :: Unit, post :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies the HTTP method to use when sending form-data

#min Source

min :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies a minimum value

#multiple Source

multiple :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that a user can enter more than one value

#muted Source

muted :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the audio output of the video should be muted

#name Source

name :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the name of the element

#novalidate Source

novalidate :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the form should not be validated when submitted

#open Source

open :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the details should be visible (open) to the user

#optimum Source

optimum :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies what value is the optimal value for the gauge

#pattern Source

pattern :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a regular expression that an <input> element's value is checked against

#ping Source

ping :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a space-separated list of URLs to which, when the hyperlink is followed, POST requests with the body PING will be sent by the browser (in the background). Typically used for tracking.

#placeholder Source

placeholder :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of the element

#playsinline Source

playsinline :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready

#poster Source

poster :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button

#preload Source

preload :: forall a. Variant (auto :: Unit, metadata :: Unit, none :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies if and how the author thinks the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads

#readonly Source

readonly :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the element is read-only

#referrerpolicy Source

referrerpolicy :: forall a. Variant ("no-referrer" :: Unit, "no-referrer-when-downgrade" :: Unit, origin :: Unit, "origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit, "same-origin" :: Unit, "strict-origin" :: Unit, "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit, "unsafe-url" :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies which referrer is sent when fetching the resource

#rel Source

rel :: forall a. Variant (alternate :: Unit, author :: Unit, bookmark :: Unit, external :: Unit, help :: Unit, license :: Unit, next :: Unit, nofollow :: Unit, noopener :: Unit, noreferrer :: Unit, prev :: Unit, search :: Unit, tag :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document

#required Source

required :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the element must be filled out before submitting the form

#reversed Source

reversed :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the list order should be descending (9,8,7...)

#role Source

role :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the role of the element

#rows Source

rows :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the visible number of lines in a text area

#rowspan Source

rowspan :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the number of rows a table cell should span

#sandbox Source

sandbox :: forall a. Variant ("allow-forms" :: Unit, "allow-modals" :: Unit, "allow-orientation-lock" :: Unit, "allow-pointer-lock" :: Unit, "allow-popups" :: Unit, "allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" :: Unit, "allow-presentation" :: Unit, "allow-same-origin" :: Unit, "allow-scripts" :: Unit, "allow-top-navigation" :: Unit) -> Prop a

Enables an extra set of restrictions for the content in an <iframe>

#scope Source

scope :: forall a. Variant (col :: Unit, colgroup :: Unit, row :: Unit, rowgroup :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies whether a header cell is a header for a column, row, or group of columns or rows

#scoped Source

scoped :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that the styles only apply to this element's parent element and that element's child elements

#selected Source

selected :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies that an option should be pre-selected when the page loads

#shape Source

shape :: forall a. Variant (circle :: Unit, default :: Unit, poly :: Unit, rect :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies the shape of the area

#size Source

size :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the width, in characters (for <input>) or specifies the number of visible options (for <select>)

#sizes Source

sizes :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the size of the linked resource

#slot Source

slot :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the name of the slot the element's content is going to

#span Source

span :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the number of columns to span

#spellcheck Source

spellcheck :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not

#src Source

src :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the URL of the media file

#srcdoc Source

srcdoc :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the HTML content of the page to show in the <iframe>

#srclang Source

srclang :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the language of the track text data (required if kind="subtitles")

#srcset Source

srcset :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the URL of the image to use in different situations

#start Source

start :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the start value of an ordered list

#step Source

step :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the legal number intervals for an input field

#style Source

style :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies an inline CSS style for an element

#summary Source

summary :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies a summary of the content of a table

#tabindex Source

tabindex :: forall a. Number -> Prop a

Specifies the tabbing order of an element

#target Source

target :: forall a. Variant (_blank :: Unit, _parent :: Unit, _self :: Unit, _top :: Unit, framename :: String) -> Prop a

Specifies where to display the linked URL

#title Source

title :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies extra information about an element

#translate Source

translate :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a

Specifies whether the content of an element should be translated or not

#type_ Source

type_ :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the type of element

#usemap Source

usemap :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies an image as a client-side image-map

#value Source

value :: forall a. String -> Prop a

Specifies the value of the element

#wrap Source

wrap :: forall a. Variant (hard :: Unit, soft :: Unit) -> Prop a

Specifies how the text in a text area is to be wrapped when submitted in a form

#_user Source

_user :: forall r. Variant (user :: Unit | r)

#_environment Source

_environment :: forall r. Variant (environment :: Unit | r)

#_anonymous Source

_anonymous :: forall r. Variant (anonymous :: Unit | r)

#_useCredentials Source

_useCredentials :: forall r. Variant ("use-credentials" :: Unit | r)

#_async Source

_async :: forall r. Variant (async :: Unit | r)

#_auto Source

_auto :: forall r. Variant (auto :: Unit | r)

#_sync Source

_sync :: forall r. Variant (sync :: Unit | r)

#_ltr Source

_ltr :: forall r. Variant (ltr :: Unit | r)

#_rtl Source

_rtl :: forall r. Variant (rtl :: Unit | r)

#_application_xWwwFormUrlencoded Source

_application_xWwwFormUrlencoded :: forall r. Variant ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" :: Unit | r)

#_multipart_formData Source

_multipart_formData :: forall r. Variant ("multipart/form-data" :: Unit | r)

#_text_plain Source

_text_plain :: forall r. Variant ("text/plain" :: Unit | r)

#_get Source

_get :: forall r. Variant (get :: Unit | r)

#_post Source

_post :: forall r. Variant (post :: Unit | r)

#__blank Source

__blank :: forall r. Variant (_blank :: Unit | r)

#__self Source

__self :: forall r. Variant (_self :: Unit | r)

#__parent Source

__parent :: forall r. Variant (_parent :: Unit | r)

#__top Source

__top :: forall r. Variant (_top :: Unit | r)

#_framename Source

_framename :: forall r. String -> Variant (framename :: String | r)

#_contentType Source

_contentType :: forall r. Variant ("content-type" :: Unit | r)

#_defaultStyle Source

_defaultStyle :: forall r. Variant ("default-style" :: Unit | r)

#_refresh Source

_refresh :: forall r. Variant (refresh :: Unit | r)

#_subtitles Source

_subtitles :: forall r. Variant (subtitles :: Unit | r)

#_captions Source

_captions :: forall r. Variant (captions :: Unit | r)

#_descriptions Source

_descriptions :: forall r. Variant (descriptions :: Unit | r)

#_chapters Source

_chapters :: forall r. Variant (chapters :: Unit | r)

#_metadata Source

_metadata :: forall r. Variant (metadata :: Unit | r)

#_eager Source

_eager :: forall r. Variant (eager :: Unit | r)

#_lazy Source

_lazy :: forall r. Variant (lazy :: Unit | r)

#_none Source

_none :: forall r. Variant (none :: Unit | r)

#_noReferrer Source

_noReferrer :: forall r. Variant ("no-referrer" :: Unit | r)

#_noReferrerWhenDowngrade Source

_noReferrerWhenDowngrade :: forall r. Variant ("no-referrer-when-downgrade" :: Unit | r)

#_origin Source

_origin :: forall r. Variant (origin :: Unit | r)

#_originWhenCrossOrigin Source

_originWhenCrossOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit | r)

#_sameOrigin Source

_sameOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("same-origin" :: Unit | r)

#_strictOrigin Source

_strictOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("strict-origin" :: Unit | r)

#_strictOriginWhenCrossOrigin Source

_strictOriginWhenCrossOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("strict-origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit | r)

#_unsafeUrl Source

_unsafeUrl :: forall r. Variant ("unsafe-url" :: Unit | r)

#_alternate Source

_alternate :: forall r. Variant (alternate :: Unit | r)

#_author Source

_author :: forall r. Variant (author :: Unit | r)

#_bookmark Source

_bookmark :: forall r. Variant (bookmark :: Unit | r)

#_external Source

_external :: forall r. Variant (external :: Unit | r)

#_help Source

_help :: forall r. Variant (help :: Unit | r)

#_license Source

_license :: forall r. Variant (license :: Unit | r)

#_next Source

_next :: forall r. Variant (next :: Unit | r)

#_nofollow Source

_nofollow :: forall r. Variant (nofollow :: Unit | r)

#_noreferrer Source

_noreferrer :: forall r. Variant (noreferrer :: Unit | r)

#_noopener Source

_noopener :: forall r. Variant (noopener :: Unit | r)

#_prev Source

_prev :: forall r. Variant (prev :: Unit | r)

#_tag Source

_tag :: forall r. Variant (tag :: Unit | r)

#_allowForms Source

_allowForms :: forall r. Variant ("allow-forms" :: Unit | r)

#_allowModals Source

_allowModals :: forall r. Variant ("allow-modals" :: Unit | r)

#_allowOrientationLock Source

_allowOrientationLock :: forall r. Variant ("allow-orientation-lock" :: Unit | r)

#_allowPointerLock Source

_allowPointerLock :: forall r. Variant ("allow-pointer-lock" :: Unit | r)

#_allowPopups Source

_allowPopups :: forall r. Variant ("allow-popups" :: Unit | r)

#_allowPopupsToEscapeSandbox Source

_allowPopupsToEscapeSandbox :: forall r. Variant ("allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" :: Unit | r)

#_allowPresentation Source

_allowPresentation :: forall r. Variant ("allow-presentation" :: Unit | r)

#_allowSameOrigin Source

_allowSameOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("allow-same-origin" :: Unit | r)

#_allowScripts Source

_allowScripts :: forall r. Variant ("allow-scripts" :: Unit | r)

#_allowTopNavigation Source

_allowTopNavigation :: forall r. Variant ("allow-top-navigation" :: Unit | r)

#_col Source

_col :: forall r. Variant (col :: Unit | r)

#_colgroup Source

_colgroup :: forall r. Variant (colgroup :: Unit | r)

#_row Source

_row :: forall r. Variant (row :: Unit | r)

#_rowgroup Source

_rowgroup :: forall r. Variant (rowgroup :: Unit | r)

#_default Source

_default :: forall r. Variant (default :: Unit | r)

#_rect Source

_rect :: forall r. Variant (rect :: Unit | r)

#_circle Source

_circle :: forall r. Variant (circle :: Unit | r)

#_poly Source

_poly :: forall r. Variant (poly :: Unit | r)

#_hard Source

_hard :: forall r. Variant (hard :: Unit | r)

#_soft Source

_soft :: forall r. Variant (soft :: Unit | r)