- Package
- purescript-chameleon
- Repository
- thought2/purescript-chameleon
#IsAttribVariantRL Source
class IsAttribVariantRL :: RowList Type -> Row Type -> Constraint
class IsAttribVariantRL rl r where
toAttribVariantRL :: Proxy rl -> Variant r -> String
IsAttribVariantRL Nil r
(IsAttribVariantRL rl r', Cons sym Unit r' r, IsSymbol sym) => IsAttribVariantRL (Cons sym Unit rl) r
(IsAttribVariantRL rl r', Cons sym a r' r, IsSymbol sym, IsAttrib a) => IsAttribVariantRL (Cons sym a rl) r
#acceptCharset Source
acceptCharset :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Specifies the character encodings that are to be used for the form submission
#autocapitalize Source
autocapitalize :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Controls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized as it is entered/edited by the user
#autocomplete Source
autocomplete :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Specifies whether the <form> or the <input> element should have autocomplete enabled
#background Source
background :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Not supported in HTML5. Specifies the URL of an image to be used as the background for the iframe
#contenteditable Source
contenteditable :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a
Specifies whether the content of an element is editable or not
#crossorigin Source
crossorigin :: forall a. Variant (anonymous :: Unit, "use-credentials" :: Unit) -> Prop a
Specifies how the element handles cross-origin requests
#enterkeyhint Source
enterkeyhint :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Specifies what action to take when the user hits the Enter key
#formaction Source
formaction :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Specifies where to send the form-data when a form is submitted. Only for type="submit"
#formmethod Source
formmethod :: forall a. Variant (get :: Unit, post :: Unit) -> Prop a
Specifies how to send the form-data (which HTTP method to use). Only for type="submit"
#formnovalidate Source
formnovalidate :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a
Specifies that the form-data should not be validated on submission. Only for type="submit"
#novalidate Source
novalidate :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a
Specifies that the form should not be validated when submitted
#placeholder Source
placeholder :: forall a. String -> Prop a
Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of the element
#playsinline Source
playsinline :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a
Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready
#referrerpolicy Source
referrerpolicy :: forall a. Variant ("no-referrer" :: Unit, "no-referrer-when-downgrade" :: Unit, origin :: Unit, "origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit, "same-origin" :: Unit, "strict-origin" :: Unit, "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit, "unsafe-url" :: Unit) -> Prop a
Specifies which referrer is sent when fetching the resource
#rel Source
rel :: forall a. Variant (alternate :: Unit, author :: Unit, bookmark :: Unit, external :: Unit, help :: Unit, license :: Unit, next :: Unit, nofollow :: Unit, noopener :: Unit, noreferrer :: Unit, prev :: Unit, search :: Unit, tag :: Unit) -> Prop a
Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document
#sandbox Source
sandbox :: forall a. Variant ("allow-forms" :: Unit, "allow-modals" :: Unit, "allow-orientation-lock" :: Unit, "allow-pointer-lock" :: Unit, "allow-popups" :: Unit, "allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" :: Unit, "allow-presentation" :: Unit, "allow-same-origin" :: Unit, "allow-scripts" :: Unit, "allow-top-navigation" :: Unit) -> Prop a
Enables an extra set of restrictions for the content in an <iframe>
#spellcheck Source
spellcheck :: forall a. Boolean -> Prop a
Specifies whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not
#_environment Source
_environment :: forall r. Variant (environment :: Unit | r)
#_anonymous Source
_anonymous :: forall r. Variant (anonymous :: Unit | r)
#_useCredentials Source
_useCredentials :: forall r. Variant ("use-credentials" :: Unit | r)
#_application_xWwwFormUrlencoded Source
_application_xWwwFormUrlencoded :: forall r. Variant ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" :: Unit | r)
#_multipart_formData Source
_multipart_formData :: forall r. Variant ("multipart/form-data" :: Unit | r)
#_text_plain Source
_text_plain :: forall r. Variant ("text/plain" :: Unit | r)
#_contentType Source
_contentType :: forall r. Variant ("content-type" :: Unit | r)
#_defaultStyle Source
_defaultStyle :: forall r. Variant ("default-style" :: Unit | r)
#_subtitles Source
_subtitles :: forall r. Variant (subtitles :: Unit | r)
#_descriptions Source
_descriptions :: forall r. Variant (descriptions :: Unit | r)
#_noReferrer Source
_noReferrer :: forall r. Variant ("no-referrer" :: Unit | r)
#_noReferrerWhenDowngrade Source
_noReferrerWhenDowngrade :: forall r. Variant ("no-referrer-when-downgrade" :: Unit | r)
#_originWhenCrossOrigin Source
_originWhenCrossOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit | r)
#_sameOrigin Source
_sameOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("same-origin" :: Unit | r)
#_strictOrigin Source
_strictOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("strict-origin" :: Unit | r)
#_strictOriginWhenCrossOrigin Source
_strictOriginWhenCrossOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("strict-origin-when-cross-origin" :: Unit | r)
#_unsafeUrl Source
_unsafeUrl :: forall r. Variant ("unsafe-url" :: Unit | r)
#_alternate Source
_alternate :: forall r. Variant (alternate :: Unit | r)
#_noreferrer Source
_noreferrer :: forall r. Variant (noreferrer :: Unit | r)
#_allowForms Source
_allowForms :: forall r. Variant ("allow-forms" :: Unit | r)
#_allowModals Source
_allowModals :: forall r. Variant ("allow-modals" :: Unit | r)
#_allowOrientationLock Source
_allowOrientationLock :: forall r. Variant ("allow-orientation-lock" :: Unit | r)
#_allowPointerLock Source
_allowPointerLock :: forall r. Variant ("allow-pointer-lock" :: Unit | r)
#_allowPopups Source
_allowPopups :: forall r. Variant ("allow-popups" :: Unit | r)
#_allowPopupsToEscapeSandbox Source
_allowPopupsToEscapeSandbox :: forall r. Variant ("allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox" :: Unit | r)
#_allowPresentation Source
_allowPresentation :: forall r. Variant ("allow-presentation" :: Unit | r)
#_allowSameOrigin Source
_allowSameOrigin :: forall r. Variant ("allow-same-origin" :: Unit | r)
#_allowScripts Source
_allowScripts :: forall r. Variant ("allow-scripts" :: Unit | r)
- Modules
- Chameleon
- Chameleon.
Class - Chameleon.
HTML - Chameleon.
HTML. Attributes - Chameleon.
HTML. ElemNames - Chameleon.
HTML. Elements - Chameleon.
HTML. Events - Chameleon.
HTML. KeyedElements - Chameleon.
Impl. TestHtml - Chameleon.
SVG. Attributes - Chameleon.
SVG. ElemNames - Chameleon.
SVG. Elements - Chameleon.
SVG. KeyedElements - Chameleon.