


This module provides a Builder monoid and a PutM monad for serializing Data.ArrayBuffer.Types.ArrayBuffers. See the package README for usage examples.

Writing to an ArrayBuffer is an Effectful activity, so most functions in this module must be run in a MonadEffect context.

For operations for working with ArrayBuffer, see module Data.ArrayBuffer.ArrayBuffer in package purescript-arraybuffer.

#PutM Source

type PutM = WriterT Builder

The PutM monad is a WriterT Builder transformer monad which gives us do-notation for the Builder monoid. The base monad must be a MonadEffect.

To append Builders in this monad call tell, or any of the put* functions in this module.

#Put Source

type Put = PutM Effect

The PutM type reified to Effect, in other words WriterT Builder Effect.

#execPutM Source

execPutM :: forall m. MonadEffect m => PutM m Unit -> m ArrayBuffer

Build an ArrayBuffer with do-notation in any MonadEffect. O(n)

#execPut Source

execPut :: Put Unit -> Effect ArrayBuffer

Build an ArrayBuffer with do-notation. O(n)

#subBuilder Source

subBuilder :: forall m. MonadEffect m => PutM m Unit -> PutM m Builder

Build up a sub-Builder without telling it to the Writer yet.

One case where we might want to call a subBuilder is when serializing length-prefixed messages in some protocol. In that case, we must serialize the message first, calculate the message length, append the message length, and then append the message.

In a PutM monad do-block, we can

  messageBuilder <- subBuilder $ do

  putInt32 $ length messageBuilder
  tell messageBuilder

#putArrayBuffer Source

putArrayBuffer :: forall m. MonadEffect m => ArrayBuffer -> PutM m Unit

Append an ArrayBuffer to the builder.

#putUint8 Source

putUint8 :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> PutM m Unit

Append an 8-bit unsigned integer (byte) to the builder.

#putInt8 Source

putInt8 :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> PutM m Unit

Append an 8-bit two’s-complement signed integer (char) to the builder.

#putUint16be Source

putUint16be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> PutM m Unit

Append a 16-bit big-endian unsigned integer to the builder.

#putUint16le Source

putUint16le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> PutM m Unit

Append a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer to the builder.

#putInt16be Source

putInt16be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> PutM m Unit

Append a 16-bit big-endian two’s-complement signed integer to the builder.

#putInt16le Source

putInt16le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> PutM m Unit

Append a 16-bit little-endian two’s-complement signed integer to the builder.

#putUint32be Source

putUint32be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> PutM m Unit

Append a 32-bit big-endian unsigned integer to the builder.

#putUint32le Source

putUint32le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> PutM m Unit

Append a 32-bit little-endian unsigned integer to the builder.

#putInt32be Source

putInt32be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> PutM m Unit

Append a 32-bit big-endian two’s-complement signed integer to the builder.

#putInt32le Source

putInt32le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> PutM m Unit

Append a 32-bit little-endian two’s-complement signed integer to the builder.

#putFloat32be Source

putFloat32be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Float32 -> PutM m Unit

Append a 32-bit big-endian IEEE single-precision float to the builder.

#putFloat32le Source

putFloat32le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Float32 -> PutM m Unit

Append a 32-bit little-endian IEEE single-precision float to the builder.

#putFloat64be Source

putFloat64be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Number -> PutM m Unit

Append a 64-bit big-endian IEEE double-precision float to the builder.

#putFloat64le Source

putFloat64le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Number -> PutM m Unit

Append a 64-bit little-endian IEEE double-precision float to the builder.

#Builder Source

data Builder

Monoidal builder for ArrayBuffers.

Left-associative <>> append operator

TL;DR You probably don't want to use the Builder monoid directly in your code, it’s better to use the PutM monad with do-notation instead.

The Builder monoid in this library is efficient when we snoc single items onto the end of it, or when we only cons single items to the beginning, but it can be less efficient when we are mixing cons and snoc. This matters when we're appending three or more Builders in one associative expression, because the Semigroup append operator <> is right-associative.

To solve this, we provide an operator <>> for appending Builders. <>> is exactly the same as <>, but left-associative. This only matters when we're chaining together three or more Builders in a single associative expression. Instead of

builder₁ <> builder₂ <> builder₃

we should always prefer to write

builder₁ <>> builder₂ <>> builder₃

so that we get the efficient snocing of Builders.

If we build our ArrayBuffers with the PutM monad instead of appending by using the Semigroup instance of Builder, then we always get the efficient snoc case.


#(<>>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Semigroup.append (left-associative / precedence 5)

#execBuilder Source

execBuilder :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Builder -> m ArrayBuffer

Build a single ArrayBuffer from a Builder. O(n)

#length Source

length :: Builder -> Int

Calculate the total byte length of the Builder. O(n)

#singleton Source

singleton :: ArrayBuffer -> Builder

Construct a Builder with a single ArrayBuffer. O(1)

#cons Source

cons :: ArrayBuffer -> Builder -> Builder

Prepend an ArrayBuffer to the beginning of the Builder. O(1)

#snoc Source

snoc :: Builder -> ArrayBuffer -> Builder

Append an ArrayBuffer to the end of the Builder. O(1)

#encodeUint8 Source

encodeUint8 :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize an 8-bit unsigned integer (byte) into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeInt8 Source

encodeInt8 :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize an 8-bit two’s-complement signed integer (char) into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeUint16be Source

encodeUint16be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 16-bit big-endian unsigned integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeUint16le Source

encodeUint16le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeInt16be Source

encodeInt16be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 16-bit big-endian two’s-complement signed integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeInt16le Source

encodeInt16le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 16-bit little-endian two’s-complement signed integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeUint32be Source

encodeUint32be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 32-bit big-endian unsigned integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeUint32le Source

encodeUint32le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => UInt -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 32-bit little-endian unsigned integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeInt32be Source

encodeInt32be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 32-bit big-endian two’s-complement signed integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeInt32le Source

encodeInt32le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Int -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 32-bit little-endian two’s-complement signed integer into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeFloat32be Source

encodeFloat32be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Float32 -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 32-bit big-endian IEEE single-precision float into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeFloat32le Source

encodeFloat32le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Float32 -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 32-bit little-endian IEEE single-precision float into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeFloat64be Source

encodeFloat64be :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Number -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 64-bit big-endian IEEE double-precision float into a new ArrayBuffer.

#encodeFloat64le Source

encodeFloat64le :: forall m. MonadEffect m => Number -> m ArrayBuffer

Serialize a 64-bit little-endian IEEE double-precision float into a new ArrayBuffer.