


This module provides the Effect type, which is used to represent native effects. The Effect type provides a typed API for effectful computations, while at the same time generating efficient JavaScript.

#Effect Source

data Effect :: Type -> Type

A native effect. The type parameter denotes the return type of running the effect, that is, an Effect Int is a possibly-effectful computation which eventually produces a value of the type Int when it finishes.


#untilE Source

untilE :: Effect Boolean -> Effect Unit

Loop until a condition becomes true.

untilE b is an effectful computation which repeatedly runs the effectful computation b, until its return value is true.

#whileE Source

whileE :: forall a. Effect Boolean -> Effect a -> Effect Unit

Loop while a condition is true.

whileE b m is effectful computation which runs the effectful computation b. If its result is true, it runs the effectful computation m and loops. If not, the computation ends.

#forE Source

forE :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

Loop over a consecutive collection of numbers.

forE lo hi f runs the computation returned by the function f for each of the inputs between lo (inclusive) and hi (exclusive).

#foreachE Source

foreachE :: forall a. Array a -> (a -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

Loop over an array of values.

foreachE xs f runs the computation returned by the function f for each of the inputs xs.