


#BrowserWindow Source

#newBrowserWindow Source

newBrowserWindow :: forall eff. BrowserWindowOptions -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) BrowserWindow

#onClose Source

onClose :: forall eff. BrowserWindow -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

#loadURL Source

loadURL :: forall eff. BrowserWindow -> String -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

#WebContents Source

#webContents Source

webContents :: forall eff. BrowserWindow -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) WebContents

#openDevTools Source

openDevTools :: forall eff. WebContents -> DevToolOptions -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Opens the devtools.

Official Electron documentation

#DevToolOption Source

#send Source

send :: forall eff a. WebContents -> String -> a -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

#onDidFinishLoad Source

onDidFinishLoad :: forall eff. WebContents -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

#onNewWindow Source

onNewWindow :: forall eff. WebContents -> (Event -> String -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

#onWillNavigate Source

onWillNavigate :: forall eff. WebContents -> (Event -> String -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

#onDidNavigate Source

onDidNavigate :: forall eff. WebContents -> (Event -> String -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Emitted when a navigation is done.

Official Electron documentation

#onDidNavigateInPage Source

onDidNavigateInPage :: forall eff. WebContents -> (Event -> String -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Emitted when an in-page navigation happened.

Official Electron documentation

#onDidGetRedirectRequest Source

onDidGetRedirectRequest :: forall eff. WebContents -> (Event -> String -> String -> Boolean -> Int -> String -> String -> StrMap String -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Emitted when a redirect is received while requesting a resource.

Official Electron documentation

#onDomReady Source

onDomReady :: forall eff. WebContents -> (Event -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Emitted when the document in the given frame is loaded.

Official Electron documentation