


#on Source

on :: forall eff. Channel -> Listener (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Listens to channel, when a new message arrives the listener is called.

Official Electron documentation

#once Source

once :: forall eff. Channel -> Listener (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Adds a one time listener function for the event. This listener is invoked only the next time a message is sent to channel, after which it is removed.

Official Electron documentation

#removeListener Source

removeListener :: forall eff. Channel -> Listener (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the specified channel.

Official Electron documentation

#removeAllListeners Source

removeAllListeners :: forall eff. Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Removes all listeners.

Official Electron documentation

#removeAllChannelListeners Source

removeAllChannelListeners :: forall eff. Channel -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | eff) Unit

Removes all listeners for the specified channel.

#sender Source

sender :: forall e. Event -> Eff (electron :: ELECTRON | e) WebContents