


#DispatchMsgFn Source

newtype DispatchMsgFn msg

Represents a function that a view can use to report both errors and messages originating from JS/DOM. Underneath it's just a function that takes an Either, but it is wrapped in a newtype in order to provide class instances for it.



#DispatchMsg Source

#DispatchError Source

#dispatchMsgFn Source

dispatchMsgFn :: forall msg. (DispatchError -> Effect Unit) -> (msg -> Effect Unit) -> DispatchMsgFn msg

Construct a DispatchMsgFn out of "on error" and "on message" handlers

#issueError Source

issueError :: forall msg. DispatchMsgFn msg -> DispatchError -> Effect Unit

Report an error via the given dispatch function

#issueMsg Source

issueMsg :: forall msg. DispatchMsgFn msg -> msg -> Effect Unit

Issue a message via the given dispatch function

#ignoreMsg Source

ignoreMsg :: forall msg2 msg1. DispatchMsgFn msg1 -> DispatchMsgFn msg2

Creates a new DispatchMsgFn that relays errors from the given DispatchMsgFn, but throws away messages

#cmapMaybe Source

cmapMaybe :: forall msg2 msg1. (msg2 -> Maybe msg1) -> DispatchMsgFn msg1 -> DispatchMsgFn msg2

Allows to optionally convert the message to another type, swallowing the message when conversion fails.

#handle Source

handle :: forall effFn fn msg. MkEventHandler msg fn effFn => MkJsCallback effFn => DispatchMsgFn msg -> fn -> JsCallback effFn

Creates a JsCallback that uses the given DispatchMsgFn to either issue a message or report an error. The fn parameter is either a message or a function that produces a message. When the JS code calls the resulting JsCallback, its parameters are validated, then the fn function is called to produce a message, which is then reported via the given DispatchMsgFn, unless the parameters passed from JS cannot be decoded, in which case an error is reported via DispatchMsgFn.

Example of intended usage:

 -- PureScript
 data Message = A | B Int | C String Boolean

 view state dispatch = createElement' viewCtor_
     { foo: "bar"
     , onA: handle dispatch A
     , onB: handle dispatch B
     , onC: handle dispatch C
     , onBaz: handle dispatch \x y -> B (x+y)

 // JSX:
 export const viewCtor_ = args =>
         Foo is {}<br />
         <button onClick={args.onA}>A</button>
         <button onClick={() => args.onB(42)}>B</button>
         <button onClick={() => args.onC("hello", true)}>C</button>
         <button onClick={() => args.onBaz(21, 21)}>Baz</button>

#handleMaybe Source

handleMaybe :: forall effFn fn msg. MkEventHandler (Maybe msg) fn effFn => MkJsCallback effFn => DispatchMsgFn msg -> fn -> JsCallback effFn

A version of handle (see comments there) with a possibility of not producing a message.

#MkEventHandler Source

class MkEventHandler msg fn effFn | fn -> effFn, effFn -> fn where

This type class and its instances are implementation of handle and handleMaybe. The base case is when fn ~ msg - that is when the message-producing function is not a function at all, but the message itself. The recursive instance prepends an argument a, thus allowing for curried functions with arbitrary number of parameters.

