


The Elm like way to run a Flame application

The update function returns an array of side effects

#Application Source

type Application model message = App model message (init :: Tuple model (Array (Aff (Maybe message))), update :: model -> message -> Tuple model (Array (Aff (Maybe message))))

Application contains

  • init – the initial model and a list of messages to invoke update with
  • view – a function to update your markup
  • update – a function to update your model

#emptyApp Source

emptyApp :: Application Unit Unit

A bare bones application

#mount Source

mount :: forall message model. String -> Application model message -> Effect (Channel (Array message))

Mount a Flame application in the given selector

#mount_ Source

mount_ :: forall message model. String -> Application model message -> Effect Unit

Mount a Flame application in the given selector, discarding the message Channel

#(:>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Tuple.Tuple (right-associative / precedence 6)

Infix tuple constructor