


#rep Source

rep :: forall b a t s. Generic s a => Generic t b => Iso s t a b

Iso between types and their generic rep.

#rep' Source

rep' :: forall a s. Generic s a => Iso' s a

Iso between a type and its rep.

#noConstructors Source

noConstructors :: Iso' NoConstructors Void

NoConstructors is equivalent to Void

#constructor Source

constructor :: forall b a m n. Iso (Constructor n a) (Constructor m b) a b

Iso between a Constructor and its argument rep

#sum Source

sum :: forall d c b a. Iso (Sum a b) (Sum c d) (Either a b) (Either c d)

Iso between Sum and Either

#sumInl Source

sumInl :: forall r b a. Prism (Sum a r) (Sum b r) a b

Prism into the Inl of Sum

#sumInr Source

sumInr :: forall b a l. Prism (Sum l a) (Sum l b) a b

Prism into the Inr of Sum

#noArguments Source

noArguments :: Iso' NoArguments Unit

Iso between NoArguments and Unit

#argument Source

argument :: forall b a. Iso (Argument a) (Argument b) a b

Iso between Argument and its wrapped type

#product Source

product :: forall d c b a. Iso (Product a b) (Product c d) (Tuple a b) (Tuple c d)

Iso between Product and Tuple

#productFirst Source

productFirst :: forall r b a. Lens (Product a r) (Product b r) a b

Lens into the first of a Product

#productSecond Source

productSecond :: forall b a l. Lens (Product l a) (Product l b) a b

Lens into the second of a Product