


Primitive combinators for Iso

#isoFlip Source

isoFlip :: forall b a. Iso a b -> Iso b a

Revereses the direction of an Iso

#isoTraverse Source

isoTraverse :: forall b a f. Traversable f => Iso a b -> Iso (f a) (f b)

Given a Traversable and an Iso that maps some values a and b, produces a new Iso that maps those values wrapped in the Traversable - f a and f b. This is handy for working for Maybe, for example:

-- First, define a never-failing Iso that maps a number
-- to a number 5 greater than it
plus5 :: Iso Int Int
plus5 = isoFrom (_ + 5) (_ - 5)

> plus5.apply 37 == Just 42
> plus5.inverse 42 == Just 37

-- Now, wrap it in a `Maybe`
mPlus5 :: Iso (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int)
mPlus5 = isoTraverse plus5

> mPlus5.apply (Just 37) == Just (Just 42)
> mPlus5.inverse (Just 42) == Just (Just 37)
> mPlus5.apply Nothing == Just Nothing
> mPlus5.inverse Nothing == Just Nothing

-- Or wrap it in an `Array`
aPlus5 :: Iso (Array Int) (Array Int)
aPlus5 = isoTraverse plus5

> aPlus5.apply [37, 0] == Just [42, 5]
> aPlus5.inverse [42, 5] == Just [37, 0]
> aPlus5.apply [] == Just []
> aPlus5.inverse [] == Just []

#isoFrom Source

isoFrom :: forall b a. (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Iso a b

Constructs a never-failing Iso out of given "apply" and "inverse" functions

#isoWrap Source

isoWrap :: forall a w. Newtype w a => (a -> w) -> Iso a w

Constructs a never-failing Iso mapping a newtype to the type it wraps. The intended use is to provide the newtype's constructor as first argument for the purpose of type inference.


newtype N = N Int
derive instance newtypeN :: Newtype N _

isoN :: Iso Int N
isoN = isoWrap N

> isoN.apply 42 == Just (N 42)
> isoN.inverse (N 42) == Just 42

#isoUnwrap Source

isoUnwrap :: forall a w. Newtype w a => (a -> w) -> Iso w a

The opposite of isoWrap: constructs a never-failing Iso that maps a value to a newtype that wraps it. The intended use is to provide the newtype's constructor as first argument for the purpose of type inference.


newtype N = N Int
derive instance newtypeN :: Newtype N _

isoN :: Iso N Int
isoN = isoUnwrap N

> isoN.apply (N 42) == Just 42
> isoN.inverse 42 == Just (N 42)

#isoJust Source

isoJust :: forall a. Iso a (Maybe a)

An Iso that wraps any value in a Just, and unwraps on inverse, failing when given Nothing.


> isoJust.apply 42 == Just (Just 42)
> isoJust.inverse (Just 42) = Just 42
> isoJust.inverse Nothing = Nothing