


#IsRoute Source

class IsRoute r  where

This class abstracts the idea of the "route" data type, making it possible for the primitive in this module to work with data types from other libraries.



#PathInfo Source

data PathInfo

The default representation of a route: here the route is represented as a sequence of path segments and a dictionary of querystring parameters.



#RoutesDef Source

type RoutesDef route a = forall syntax. Syntax syntax => syntax route a

Syntax definition for a set of routes of type a.

#parseRoute Source

parseRoute :: forall route a. IsRoute route => RoutesDef route a -> route -> Maybe a

#printRoute Source

printRoute :: forall route a. IsRoute route => RoutesDef route a -> a -> Maybe route

#end Source

end :: forall route. IsRoute route => RoutesDef route Unit

Signifies the end of the route. During printing doesn't produce any output, during parsing makes sure that there are no URL segments remaining.

#seg Source

seg :: forall route. IsRoute route => String -> RoutesDef route Unit

Path segment that is a literal string. During printing outputs the given string, during parsing consumes the next URL segment and makes sure it's equal to the given string.

#segValue' Source

segValue' :: forall route a. IsRoute route => (a -> String) -> (String -> Maybe a) -> RoutesDef route a

A value of the given type as URL segment. During printing, the printer outputs the value as a URL segment, using the provided printing function to convert it to a string. During parsing, the parser consumes a URL segment and tries to parse it into a value of the given type using the provided parsing function.

#segValue Source

segValue :: forall route a. IsRoute route => PathPiece a => RoutesDef route a

A value of the given type as URL segment. During printing, the printer outputs the value as a URL segment, using the PathPiece instance to convert it to a string. During parsing, the parser consumes a URL segment and tries to parse it into a value of the given type using the PathPiece instance.

#constValue Source

constValue :: forall route a. Eq a => a -> RoutesDef route a

A primitive that encodes a constant value. During printing, the printer succeeds iff the value beign printed is equal to theValue, otherwise fails. During parsing, the parser returns theValue without consuming any input.

#query' Source

query' :: forall route a. IsRoute route => (a -> String) -> (String -> Maybe a) -> String -> RoutesDef route (Maybe a)

QueryString value. During printing adds the printed value (converted via the given printing function) to the QueryString under given key. During parsing, looks up the value in the QueryString and attempts to parse it with the given parsing function.

#query Source

query :: forall route a. IsRoute route => PathPiece a => String -> RoutesDef route (Maybe a)

QueryString value. During printing adds the printed value to the QueryString under given key. During parsing, looks up the value in the QueryString.

Re-exports from Data.Intertwine.Route.PathPiece

#PathPiece Source

class PathPiece a  where

This class makes a type suitable for participating in route printing/parsing - i.e. to be the type of path segments and querystring parameters.



Re-exports from Data.Intertwine.Syntax

#Ctor Source

data Ctor (name :: Symbol)

This type is equivalent to SProxy, but provided here separately for the purpose of shortening the code in combination with the <|:|> operator (see comments there).


#(<|||>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Intertwine.Syntax.alt (left-associative / precedence 2)

Combines two printers/parsers of the same type in a way that first attempts the left one, and if it fails, falls back to the right.

#(<|:|>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Intertwine.Syntax.injectConstructor (right-associative / precedence 5)

Binds a constructor, whose name is encoded in the Ctor value, to the given parser/printer.

For example:

data T = A String | B (Maybe Int)

syntax =
         (Ctor::Ctor "A") <|:|> value
   <|||> (Ctor::Ctor "B") <|:|> query "id"

#(<|*|>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Intertwine.Syntax.synApply (right-associative / precedence 5)

Combines two printers/parsers together, iyelding a printer/parser that can print/parse a tuple of the two combined values.

a :: syntax a
b :: syntax b
a <|*|> b :: syntax (a, b)

#(<|$|>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Intertwine.Syntax.synInject (right-associative / precedence 5)

Injects an Iso into a printer/parser on the right side, producing a printer/parser of the type that is left type of the Iso.

i :: Iso a (b, (c, d))
p :: syntax (b, (c, d))
i <|$|> p :: syntax a

#(*|>) Source

Operator alias for Data.Intertwine.Syntax.dropUnitLeft (right-associative / precedence 5)

Combines a printer/parser that consumes/returns a unit with another printer/parser in a way that the unit is dropped instead of becoming part of a tuple, as it would with <|*|>

u :: syntax Unit
a :: syntax a
u *|> a :: syntax a