


#Component Source

type Component r = Hooks r Node

#setProp Source

setProp :: forall r. Element -> Prop -> Hooks r Unit

[Internal] Set prop to element.

#addChild Source

addChild :: forall r. Node -> Component r -> Hooks r Unit

[Internal] Add child to element.

#el Source

el :: forall r. String -> Array Prop -> Array (Component r) -> Component r

Create element

#el_ Source

el_ :: forall r. String -> Array (Component r) -> Component r

Create element without props

#emptyEl Source

emptyEl :: forall r. Component r

Create empty element (== text $ pure "")

#whenEl Source

whenEl :: forall r. Jelly Boolean -> Component r -> Component r

Display components only when conditions are met

#ifEl Source

ifEl :: forall r. Jelly Boolean -> Component r -> Component r -> Component r

Equal to ifM

#text Source

text :: forall r. Jelly String -> Component r

Create text node